Heal yourself at Nimba Nature Cure Village by Holistic Therapies

Heal yourself at Nimba Nature Cure Village by Holistic Therapies

Heal yourself at Nimba Nature Cure Village by Holistic Therapies

By: Nimba - August 12, 2022

What is holistic healing?

Holistic healing is the combination of alternative therapy and traditional medicine. In holistic healing, both methods are mixed together to create a whole-body approach to healthcare. Holistic healing helps in treating your full body, soul, and mind as one piece to fix the unusual causes of diseases. Holistic therapies have also been proven beneficial in reducing stress, anxiety, and tiredness. This approach is gaining popularity as people are becoming more concerned about health and wellness. They are increasingly turning to naturopathy treatments and ayurvedic therapies to effectively heal their body, mind, and soul.

Also read: Explore Holistic Healing With Nature In This Monsoon

Health Benefits of Holistic Healing

Holistic healing combines natural healing with traditional medicine to heal the person’s emotions, body, and mind. This helps in maintaining the proper balance of optimal health and wellness. This also encourages people to live a healthy lifestyle and to stay away from unusual illnesses and diseases. There are various wellness retreats in India that inspire people to stay in touch with the ground and Ayurveda. Yoga, Meditation retreat, Ayurveda treatments, natural therapies, and self-relaxing routines have also been proven beneficial to people’s general health. At Nimba Nature Cure Village, you will get all the essential Ayurveda and natural therapy treatments under one roof. This strengthens your immune system and enhances your mental toughness.

Also Read: 8 Best Wellness Retreats In India To Heal And Re-discover Yourself

Physiological benefits

  • It reduces mental illness.
  • It reduces hypertension and anxiety
  • It improves emotional steadiness

Physical benefits

  • Reduces joint stiffness
  • Improved mobility
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Improves digestion
  • Promote healthy immune system
  • Improve skin radiance
  • Fatigue alleviation

Emotional or Spiritual benefits

  • Promote a sense of self-awareness
  • Reduce stress and tension

Holistic Healing Therapies Provided By Nimba Nature Cure

People suffer from different kinds of emotional and physical ailments, such as depression, high blood pressure, and anxiety. Holistic healing involves different kinds of therapies and treatments, such as naturopathy services, Ayurveda therapies, yoga & meditation, and many more that promote holistic well-being. Let’s take a look at some of the holistic healing approaches offered by Nimba Nature Cure to its guests.

Also read: Boost your immunity with nimba naturopathy diet

Reiki Therapy

Reiki therapy is based on the eastern belief that vital energy flows through your body. This therapy uses gentle touch and guides this energy to flow in a proper manner that promotes healing and relieves you from stress. This originated in Japan. It is a type of complementary treatment which is used to treat some specific conditions such as pain, anxiety, and depression. Nimba Nature Cure offers Reiki Treatment services and believes that it has the ability to self-heal and self-improve.

Benefits of Reiki Treatments

  • Improve body immune system
  • Foster tissue and bone healing after surgery and injury
  • Promote natural self-healing
  • Relieve pain and tension
  • Bring one on a meditative state

Visit Nimba Nature Cure to learn holistic healing and rejuvenate your soul, body and mind.

Hot Stone Massage

This is a type of curative and preventive massage therapy where smooth and water-heated flat stones are placed on specific areas of the body to trigger the pain. These stones are made up of basalt, which is a type of volcanic rock that remains hot. Massage therapists use different techniques to hold heated stones based on the condition, such as vibration, tapping, kneading, circular movements, and long strokes. Nimba Nature Cure has a team of massage specialists and therapists. Visit today to relieve yourself of stress, pain, and anxiety.

Benefits of Hot Stone Massage

  • Reduces stress and anxieties
  • Helps relieve muscle pain and tension
  • Promotes quality of sleep
  • Relieve symptoms of autoimmune diseases
  • Decrease cancer symptoms
  • Boost immunity

Also read: Naturopathy Ways To Heal Aching Muscles

Cupping Therapy

Have you noticed round red marks on somebody’s back? These marks come from cupping therapy. Let’s learn what cupping therapy is and how it works. Cupping therapy is a type of alternative therapy that involves placing cups on the back to create suction. This suction helps in improving the flow of energy within the body and promotes holistic healing. These days, cupping therapy is in demand and found as a treatment offered by many practitioners. Many people also believe that cupping therapy helps in balancing positive and negative aspects within the body. Restoring the balance between these two aspects of the body is helpful as it reduces pain and increases overall blood flow. This also relieves muscle tension, which improves blood circulation and promotes cell repair. Nimba Nature Cure offers cupping therapy to its guests to achieve blissful harmony between the body, mind, and soul.

Benefits of cupping therapy

  • Removes toxins
  • Improve blood flow
  • Promote healthier skin
  • Relieves a range of ailments
  • Boost cellular immunity
  • Reducing inflammation

Get in touch with Nimba Nature Cure to get the best naturopathy and Ayurveda treatment therapies in India.

Also read: Naturopathy Treatment:The Holistic Solution For Complete Well Being

Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture therapy involves the insertion of small needles into your skin at strategic points of your body. This is one of the most famous traditional Chinese alternative medicines to treat pain, anxiety, and stress. This restores the energy flow of the body and strengthens the overall healthy pattern within the body. Hence, all therapies have both negative and positive sides. Hence, you must seek medical advice before going for any kind of therapy. This therapy can be used to treat different kinds of ailments, from body aches to serious ailments. Nimba Nature Cure has a team of specialists that have expertise in such traditional methods. This therapy can help with a variety of ailments, including nervous conditions, allergies, respiratory conditions, allergies, gynecological problems, and more. Visit Nimba Nature Cure to avail the best holistic healing treatments and therapies under one roof.

Benefits of Acupuncture therapy

  • Reduces stress
  • Improve immune system
  • Relieve you from allergies
  • Beneficial in dental pain
  • Labor pain
  • Neck pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Respiratory disorders, such as allergic rhinitis

Also read: Does Acupuncture Really Work For Weight Loss?

Raga Therapy

Raga Therapy

The human mind is depressed most of the time because of several emotions in several situations of daily life. Hence, it becomes difficult for them to calm and relax their mind and body. There are various natural therapies and Ayurveda treatments to treat people’s anxiety and stress in an effective manner. Raga therapy is one of them that promotes self-healing and a sense of excitement. Raga therapy is a form of self-healing that uses musical notes to create an aura that leads to calming the mind. Nimba Nature Cure offers raga therapy in India by using powerful music to relieve its patients from stress, anxiety, depression, and pain. Nimba also assists in improving the quality of sleep through raga therapy along with enhancing the concentration and maintaining the blood pressure level.

Benefits of Raga Therapy

  • Reduces stress
  • Promote sense of self-healing
  • Improve concentration
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Relieve you from depression


Nimba Nature Cure is one of the most known naturopathy centers in India offering a range of natural and Ayurveda treatments to its guests. We provide a kind of holistic healing vacation to our guests so that they can find the balance between personal and professional lives while enhancing overall health. Visit our website to know more about our services or you can call at +91 81550 12274.

Therapies Included In Covid-19 Rehabilitation Program

Nimba Nature Cure Village

Therapies Included In Covid-19 Rehabilitation Program

By: Nimba - April 9, 2021

Many people who have suffered from the effects of this disease might now be at risk of long-term impairment which is unknown yet, but a rehabilitation program for the covid-19 patient is to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on the health and function of people.

The rehabilitation program includes:

      1. Pulmonary rehabilitation
      2. Cognitive rehabilitation
      3. Mental health support

Complications of COVID-19

COVID-19 can affect the body in a variety of ways. While 81% of people experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without treatment, 14% develop severe symptoms that can last several weeks or months.

      1. Lung damage
      2. Heart damage or inflammation, such as myocarditis or pericarditis
      3. Cognitive impairments that affect memory or concentration
      4. Conditions that affect the blood vessels, such as clotting
      5. Lasting effects from complications, such as heart attacks, stroke, or pulmonary embolism
      6. The mental effects such as anxiety, depression, or trauma
      7. Muscle or joint pain
      8. Chronic fatigue in the body

Pulmonary rehabilitation:

The very 1st symptom of COVID-19 is decreased Oxygen level, shortness of breath, these can have long-term effects on lung function. Chronic illness can affect the lungs, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Pulmonary rehabilitation through respiratory yoga therapy and respiratory physiotherapy helps in

      • Reducing shortness of breath
      • Improving lung capacity
      • Managing any respiratory complications
      • Reducing the impact of respiratory symptoms on mental health

Specific interventions through Yoga can ease symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Breathing exercises (Pranayama) include

      • Training to adjust someone’s breathing rhythm
      • Techniques to strengthen the breathing muscles
      • Expectoration training, which helps someone clear mucus from the airways

Treatments through Naturopathy and Ayurveda:

      1.  Hydrotherapy – Asthma bath, Hot Foot and Arm Bath
      2.  Acupuncture
      3.  Uro Vasti

 Cognitive rehabilitation:

COVID-19 can also impact the nervous system, including the brain. 


      • Memory problems
      • Trouble concentrating
      • Brain fog
      • Dramatic mood changes

A loss of taste or smell

People with severe COVID-19 may also experience cognitive changes. Up to 80% of people who receive ventilation can experience delirium, which can include hallucinations. For critically ill patients who do not need ventilation, the condition affects 20–40%.

Cognitive rehabilitation therapy (CRT) can help manage or potentially recover hallucinations.

CRT helps to strengthen cognitive abilities. This may include:

      • Memory training
      • Speech therapy
      • Mental exercises
      • Psychological support for people who feel confused or disoriented

Yogic intervention in Cognitive Rehabilitation:


      1. Deep Relaxation Techniques
      2. Yoga Nidra
      3. AUM-kara Meditation
      4. AUM-kara Chanting
      5. Simhasana
      6. Bhramari Pranayam
      7. Bhasthrika
      8. Kapalbhati

Mental health support:

Patients who spent long days in the hospital are prone to psychological trauma. Trauma may cause anxiety, depression, or disassociation, which refers to a feeling of disconnection from a person’s thoughts, feelings, or experiences also. 

 It is important to accept that it will take time to recover physically and psychologically. It can be useful to set small realistic goals to help you see your progress and feel better about yourself. 

Natural Therapy Treatments:

      1. Psychological Counseling
      2. Hypnotherapy
      3. Raga therapy
      4. Energy Healing
      5. Activities that ease stress and anxiety, such as yoga or mindfulness

Want to Quit Smoking? Naturopathy Can Help You

Nimba Nature Cure Village

Want to Quit Smoking? Naturopathy Can Help You

By: Nimba - March 23, 2021

  • What causes people to smoke? When we polled people, we learned that smoking boosts stamina, helps us to stay awake for longer while driving, while under stress at work, and so on. Some people believe that smoking makes them more alert and concentrated, as well as relaxes them. Research shows that smoking increases dopamine levels in the brain, increasing feelings of satisfaction and pleasure, and also strengthens the urge to keep smoking.
  • Majority of smokers began when they were teenagers. Those who have smoking friends and/or parents are more likely to begin smoking earlier than those who don’t. Research shows that genetic factors also play a major role in whether or not a person becomes addicted to nicotine. Also, people who are going through a difficult work/life process, have lost a loved one, or have been affected by social groups/media, etc.
  • Nicotine, which is highly addictive, is the main component of cigarettes. Nicotine has a wide range of effects on the body, including the brain. Within 10 seconds, nicotine enters your bloodstream and reaches your brain. It causes the brain to release adrenaline, which produces a pleasant and energetic buzz. However, the buzz dissipates quickly. Then you may feel tired or depressed, and you may crave that buzz again; this is how nicotine addiction develops.
  • Behind feeling of pleasure, Smoking has numerous negative effects on the body, including eye vision, lungs, brain, heart, cavity and gums, immune system, fertility, sex life, and skin.
  • Our 14-day De-Addiction Retreat Program at Nimba health village teaches the benefits of a smoke-free lifestyle to those who are willingly want to live an addiction-free life. Our goal is to learn why and how you become addicted to smoking, as well as how smoking negatively affects your entire body and life, as well as your family environment, especially when you have kids around you.
  • Nearly 70% of smokers claim they want to quit smoking when they acknowledge the benefit of quitting smoking. But the success rate of quitting smoking without assistance is as low as 3-5 percent. Since nicotine withdrawal symptoms include unpleasant physical and emotional responses such as depression, frustration, insomnia, or anxiety, exhaustion, restlessness, and irritability, Withdrawal symptoms are the main reason for de-motivation for quitters. Nicotine dependency is what makes it difficult for most people to quit smoking.
  • The main aim of this program at our Nimba health village is to assist you in overcoming trigger points through natural therapy treatments and a holistic approach. We not only empathize with stopping smoking, but we also recognize and address the smoking causes with our therapeutic rituals, which include Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Yoga, Personalized Meditation, Diet and Nutrition, Breathing Exercises, Reiki Healing, Raga Therapy, and Counseling Sessions to detox and recover from smoking/nicotine withdrawal symptoms. The program ensures that you become both mentally and physically healthier.

Our professionally trained doctors develop a personalized treatment plan for you that includes the best and most reliable methods for quitting all nicotine-containing products. It is necessary not to give up after many attempts at stopping smoking. If you need clinical assistance, we provide one of the best environments for “kicking the habit/getting rid of”. Our knowledgeable staff is here to assist and inspire you in your efforts to quit smoking.

The Way Forward: Preventive Care With Naturopathy

naturopathy centre

The Way Forward: Preventive Care With Naturopathy

By: - September 12, 2020

We often confuse being disease free with being healthy. However, that is not the case. While most of us have no diseases, we might not be healthy. Our health is highly dependent on our lifestyle. With our busy and demanding lifestyle, we spend very less time on mindful eating, sleeping and exercising.

COVID 19 came as a lesson to us. When nothing came to our rescue, our immunity did.

The best way to practice preventive care is by taking help from nature. With its powerful abilities to heal us, it offers itself to us in the form of Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Physiotherapy, Special therapies etc.

Why Naturopathy As Preventive Care?

It focuses on holistic wellbeing

Naturopathy is known for its holistic approach. While one might need naturopathy for a certain disease or illness, the treatment or therapy will address the whole body. The healing powers also address the mind of a person, ensuring a healthy body and mind.

Drugless healing

Being a drugless healing approach, naturopathy treatments have no or minimal side effects. Unlike allopathy, naturopathy is drugless and addresses the underlying problem of a disease, rather than suppressing the symptom.

Doctor is the teacher

Not only does naturopathy treat problems, but also makes a person capable of treating himself/herself. With the help of a healthy lifestyle, positive attitude and diet, naturopathy ensures it not only treats, but teaches the patient as well.


As we know, prevention is better than cure; but guess what? It is also cheaper to prevent a disease. Naturopathy treatments are customized according to the patient’s current health state. By designing specific strategies related to lifestyle and nutritional supplements, naturopathy helps prevent potential diseases and illness.

Lifestyle change

We all suffered from some disease or illness at some point of time. For the same, we took care of ourselves for a few days, till we recovered. Unfortunately, most of us tend to get back to our careless selves soon again. However, naturopathy ensures that a person follows a certain lifestyle in order to stay mentally and physically healthy. A lifestyle change is what naturopathy aspires for.

Nimba Nature Cure is one of the best naturopathy centres in India, which believes in, and uses the preventive healthcare approach. Along with treating illness and diseases, it also teaches a person to take care of himself or herself. Focusing on wholesome wellbeing, it addresses the emotional, social, and physical well being of a person. Having powerful therapies like Reiki or Pranayam healing, it makes a person self-sufficient. It is time to live life the drugless way, and incorporate nature into one’s life, in the best possible way.

What Is Panchakarma Treatment And How Is It Helpful?

best panchkarma treatment

What Is Panchakarma Treatment And How Is It Helpful?

By: - December 20, 2019

Panchakarma treatment is a naturopathic treatment and the perfect way to eliminate any toxins in the body and rebalance the doshas. Panchakarma treatment has majorly 3 phases that helps rejuvenate the body and mind. A wellness centre or a naturopathy centre is the perfect place to go through a Panchakarma treatment. The treatment uses natural ingredients in different forms such as oils and pastes. The three phases are:

1. Poorva Karma: The body is prepared to dislodge the toxins

2. Panchakarma: 5 cleansing treatment methods are used for detoxification

3. Pashchaath Karma: Reestablishes the digestive fire with the help of  specially tailored diet

Now, let us look at some of the benefits of Panchakarma treatment:

  • Eliminates toxins from the body:

If you visit a naturopathy centre, they will use panchakarma treatment to help you experience optimal health. It is more of a cleansing process that releases toxins and helps the body heal naturally.

  • Helps restore AGNI (the metabolic fire)

A wellness centre helps increase the ojas of a person which is created by healthy tissues in the body. Panchakarma improves the agni by improving the digestion of a person.

  • Reduces stress:

With the goodness of nature, Panchakarma is known for improving the relaxation and tolerance of a person, which thereby reduces stress and anxiety. Panchakarma, being a naturopathic treatment, brings you close to nature and hence adds to your happiness.

  • Improves the immunity level:

Panchakarma demands for a strict lifestyle and diet. Hence, naturopathy centres stress on the same, and improves the immune system of a person. An improved immune system helps fight diseases and protects from illnesses.

  • Improves inner peace and gives a sense of clarity

Panchakarma promotes mental peace. It helps get rid of long held misery, managing  repressed outrage, guilt, and other similar problems which affect our mental health.

Panchakarma is known as one of the best naturopathy treatments which helps rejuvenate the body, mind and soul. If you feel you need to rejuvenate yourself, visit a wellness centre or naturopathy centre and heal yourself.

Naturopathy gives us an opportunity to reconnect with our roots and receive what nature has to offer us. Nimba Wellness Centre is a wellness retreat in India, and one of the largest and well-known naturopathy centres in Ahmedabad which focuses on reviving the crucial equilibrium of the 5 basic elements of life- earth, water, air, fire, and ether.

Top 5 Reasons To Switch To Ayurveda

wellness resorts in india

Top 5 Reasons To Switch To Ayurveda

By: - December 13, 2019

For a holistic living, ayurveda is highly recommended as it primarily uses products which are created with natural ingredients. Wellness centres providing ayurvedic treatment, are believed to have the power to eliminate a disease from a patient’s body completely. On the other hand, allopathy gives the patient temporary relief and does not cure the person fully.  Ayurveda comprises of natural herbs, spices, vegetables, and fruits which are essential to treat a disease without causing any side effects in the patient’s body. Moreover, ayurveda acts as a detoxification therapy which boosts the energy level of a person and promotes a positive health. Being known for naturopathy and ayurveda, there are some best ayurvedic treatments in India.

Here are some key reasons why people are switching to ayurveda:

1. Brings proximity to nature:

As the ingredients used to make the necessary ayurvedic medicines are natural, a patient gets closer to nature and witnesses the amazing detoxification therapy that nature has to offer. Moreover, nature is known to contribute not only in the physical wellness of a person, but also, the emotional and mental wellness. Hence, ayurveda promotes a positive holistic living.

2. India, the hub of ayurveda:

There are some best ayurvedic treatments in India, as ayurveda has emerged from here and is the hub of some amazing wellness centres. For the same reason, ayurvedic products are present in a lot of Indian households and the demand has been increasing.

3. A personalized package:

As every patient suffers from a different problem and at a different degree, ayurveda designs the therapies according to the needs of the patient. Wellness centres focus on a lot of aspects such as diet, medication, nutrition etc. Hence, the fact that not the same ayurvedic treatment can be given to all, but it is customized encourages people to prefer it.

4. A holistic detoxification therapy:

As mentioned earlier, ayurveda serves to the mind, body and soul. Hence, when we say a holistic detoxification, it means that along with the benefits to the body, the mind and the soul is calmed too. It pampers the body with amazing natural oils that enhances the blood circulation in the body and relaxes the soul of a person.

5. Avoid side effects:

For the reason that naturopathy uses all natural products, unlike allopathy, there are very rare chances of suffering from any allergies or side effects. The process of healing takes place gradually and effectively.

For a holistic living, add naturopathy to your lifestyle and see the wonders. Nimba Nature Cure is a Wellness Centre situated in the outskirts of Ahmedabad and caters to the physical, psychological and spiritual needs of a person.

Nimba focuses on reviving the crucial equilibrium of the 5 basic elements of life- earth, water, air, fire, and ether. Using these 5 elements, Nimba Wellness Centre works on restoring the optimum health of the body. You and your family can heal with the power of nature at Nimba Naturopathy Centre. It is known for providing the best Ayurvedic treatments in India.

5 Benefits Of Naturopathy

naturopathy treatment

5 Benefits Of Naturopathy

By: - December 6, 2019

Tired of trying out artificial and chemical-based methods for losing weight? It’s time for you to experience the magic of nature! Naturopathy treatments use nature as their key component to healing people. To enjoy a naturopathy treatment to its fullest, one should visit a naturopathy center or a wellness center and enjoy the benefits of naturopathy.

Let us look at some of the key benefits of naturopathy:

1. A holistic approach to your wellness

Naturopathy centers promote a combination of multiple therapies inclusive of homeopathy, nutritional counseling, massages, hydrotherapy and other such natural ways. The practices and principles of naturopathy are globally known for improving a person’s overall well-being.

2. Naturopathy is safe and effective

Wellness centers focus heavily on mental health as well, and hence, naturopathy treats problems like depression, anxiety, stress, pessimism, and other mental health issues. The fact that naturopathy uses natural ways to treat a person conforms to the safety aspect any naturopathy center.

3. Prevent diseases

The most effective way of combating diseases is through nature. Wellness centres focus heavily on proper nutritional diet and a healthy body and mind. Diseases occur because of both physical and mental approaches towards life, and naturopathy centres focus on the overall health of a person, thus preventing diseases.

4. Naturopathy helps treat disorders

We all suffer from common problems such as cough and cold, headaches, allergies etc., and these common problems often bother our routine and makes us feel uneasy. Using traditional methods and medicines, wellness centres treat a person suffering from such common problems. These problems seem trivial, but affect our daily moods and our approach towards life.

5. Individualized treatments

Every person suffers from different problems, and hence, according to the person’s requirements, naturopathy treatments are designed. This includes different therapies and various dietary changes in the person’s treatment. Hence, naturopathy is for all!

Now that you know the benefits of naturopathy, what are you waiting for? Visit Nimba Nature Cure and heal yourself. Nimba is a wellness center, located in the outskirts of Ahmedabad. It caters to the physical, spiritual and psychological needs of a person. Nimba uses organic products to improve the health of a person from within. It also has an organic farm which maintains the authenticity and originality of the food products.  For more information call +91 81550 12274 and talk to our specialist to know more about packages and services.

Milk: A Key Component In Improving Ojas


Milk: A Key Component In Improving Ojas

By: - November 29, 2019

We all desire a healthy body which makes us feel more appealing and confident. The radiance and luster in our body is called Ojas. Ojas is an antidote generated inside the body which works on the aging of the body. It is necessary to consume an ojas enhancing diet as it improves the holistic well-being of a person. Ayurvedic treatments include food rich in ojas and hence if we consume the same on a regular basis, the food gets transformed into positive energies.

Let us look at how naturopathy centers use an ojas enhancing diet to improve the overall well being of a person:

  1. Naturopathy centers provide a unique nutrition based diet which has milk as a key component. When milk is properly digested in the body, it nourishes the tissues, balances the doshas and helps in balancing emotions as well. Nourish your ojas by including milk as a staple food in your diet.
  2. Ojas enhancing diet does not mean one should consume milk in any form. Cold milk should be boiled properly for about 5-10 minutes on low flame, after the milk has foamed up. Ayurvedic treatments at naturopathy centers carefully prepare the required meals, keeping in mind not to mix milk with any incompatible tastes. This could do more harm than good.
  3. Ayurvedic treatments use milk with different ingredients to nourish the body and improve the ojas. Some of the most used ingredients are almonds, saffron, cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger. Naturopathy centres also focus on uplifting and nourishing the soul by providing the patients with varied meals created by a blend of exciting ingredients. Warm milk based drinks should preferably be consumed after an hour of eating a meal.
  4. Foods like dates, figs, bananas and leafy green vegetables are used by naturopathy centers to improve the immune system and boost the ojas.

Our lifestyle has been changing with the increase in junk food consumption. In this busy life, it is a good idea to visit a naturopathy center and use ayurvedic treatments to improve ojas in your body and nourish your body and soul. Nimba Wellness Centre is a naturopathy center in Ahmedabad that works on restoring the optimum health of the body through ojas. You and your family can heal with the power of nature at Nimba Naturopathy Centre

Freedom From ‘Get Well Soon’

get well soon, naturopathy

Freedom From ‘Get Well Soon’

By: - August 9, 2019

How many times a year do you receive this text, ‘Get well soon’, from your friends?

Seasonal climate changes, viral infections, consumption of junk food, not eating the right kind of food, not consuming enough water, etc.,are various reasons why we frequently fall ill. There is a bigger umbrella under which all these illnesses fall. The reason is low immunity and low resistance against diseases. While growing up, we all often heard the phrase, ‘prevention is better than cure’ and ‘say no to procrastination’ but failed to apply it in daily life.

To make yourself immune to diseases, you first have to take preventive measures at the right time. There are various naturopathy treatments that not only help us feel better but also boost the immune system.


Remember your A-B-C-D-Es.

Lack of nutrients and minerals reduce immunity. The body specifically needs Vitamin A, B2, B6, C, D And E for a good resistance against diseases. It is essential to identify which foods provide which nutrients and include a balance of all in our diets.


Chant the Super Mantra- “OM”

While stress does affect the body in a physical way, it has a number of ill-effects on mental and emotional well being which includes a reduced immune response. Stress-reducing naturopathy treatments include meditation, massages and even learning and implementing proper breathing techniques.


Increase Sleep

Naturopathy treatments suggest that for holistic wellness, as the season changes, our sleeping patterns should change too. This is because our body actually requires an adequate amount of sleep to build our immune system or repair what has been damaged due to some illness. Ideally, one should sleep between 10-11PM and wake up between 6-7AM.


Herbal Teas & Tinctures-

Echinacea is a North American plant of the daisy family, whose roots are used in herbal medicine, largely for its antibiotic and wound-healing properties. It finds an extensive use in prevention medicine and naturopathy treatment as well.


Increase Intake Of Warm Foods

A human body requires more internal heat during winters or autumns, mainly to fight off infections. Bone broths, soups and stews are a great way to get all the nutrients required to increase immune functions. Increase food intake especially from allium family- garlic and onions as they possess great antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties.

There are various other naturopathy treatments that help the body not only fight against diseases but also prevent them from happening altogether. At Nimba Nature Cure Village, naturopathic treatments by expert healers impart pure holistic wellness to you. Delve into wellness with the naturopathy treatments at Nimba that relax your body and soul. Nimba is the best place to experience harmless, tested, and trusted naturopathy treatments in Western India. If you are looking for rejuvenating & stimulating experience and healthy life, come and experience Nimba.

Naturopathy And Food: A Healing Combination

naturopathy and wellness

Naturopathy And Food: A Healing Combination

By: - June 29, 2019

How Does Diet Affect Us? 

Does the word ‘diet’ instantly paint an image of cutting back on delicious food and having to follow an unpleasant weight-loss regime? A diet really implies much more than just that. The word diet broadly means specific intake of nutrition for health or weight-management reasons. It means eating wholesome meals which meet the nutrition requirements of our body. Diet keeps our digestive system and metabolism in check.

How Can Diet Play A Role In Effective Naturopathy?

Diet is a significant element of a comprehensive naturopathic healthcare plan. Food has been repetitively stated as a medicine at many systems but it is the most apparent and obvious in Naturopathy. Naturopaths promote and encourage consumption of natural food i.e., the food that is provided by nature, be consumed in its natural form. As a fact, naturopathy broadly states that 80% of the food items should be uncooked and only 20% should be cooked. The right selection of natural food, followed by rational, judicious consumption can have a remedial effect that can cure multiple disorders and diseases.

Eating Right: Naturopathic Diets

In any event, the diet to which we are adapted is almost certainly much better for health, and reversing illness, than the prevailing modern diet. There is abundant evidence of disease-reversal with diets of whole, minimally processed food; plant-predominant diets; and even plant-exclusive diets.
Strong proteins such as cheese or tofu must be consumed in association with weak starches such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, etc. A cereal (high starch content) and pulse (weak proteins) combination is good. Gluten should be discarded from the diet and alkaline food must be eaten to neutralize the acidity of the body.

Inner Transitions

At Nimba, we put great emphasis on eating right and nourishing the body.
For every person who visits Nimba, we design a diet and meticulously plan it based on their body type. A special diet therapy is also planned to improve healing, boost immunity,y and maintain an ideal body weight consistently. Nimba Nature Cure & Holistic Health Centre is spread across the acres of land, most of which is used to cultivate our own fruits and vegetables, through organic farming which also ensures that the food intake is pure and free from chemicals.


In a general sense, we really do know what we are supposed to eat and what we are supposed to avoid. Influences around us make us undermine our ability to keep a check on our eating habits. At Nimba, we educate our visitors and ensure that they understand the importance and benefits of a naturopathic diet for various disorders and issues of their body. All one needs to bear in mind is that humans evolved to eat a wide variety of diets, all over the world, which offer wildly different kinds of foods. But none of them “naturally” offer junk food or industrially produced products. If we understand this and eat a balanced diet of real food, everything becomes more simple and more naturally desirable.