Conquer Every Musculoskeletal Problem with Nimba

Conquer Every Musculoskeletal Problem with Nimba

Conquer Every Musculoskeletal Problem with Nimba

By: Nimba - November 20, 2020

Merriam Webster defines ergonomics as β€œan applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely.” It is also known as biotechnology, human engineering, human factors.

The development of a civilisation is not a coincidence. When you pause to look at your surroundings, you will notice that every little man-made item is designed to fit the needs of a person perfectly. This ranges from the size of a cell phone, the handle of a mug, to the structure of a room. Every item crafted is backed by the formation as well as capabilities of the human body.

Therefore, when the term ergonomics is in the discussion, the mere use of a product is not enough, for it deals with the entire procedure of designing and arranging products, systems and places in a way that makes it the best fit for a human being who uses it.

However, sadly, no matter how much we perfect the science of Ergonomics, as human beings, we tend to be reckless when it comes to our postures and the ability to adjust according to the ergonomic designs. Frequent repetitive motion tasks, awkward postures, forceful movements, stress, and poor setups are some of the main ergonomic problems. This leads to issues in the body such as discomfort, pain and swelling in joints, cramps, numbness, reduced range of motion in shoulders, neck and back, amongst several other problems. Eventually, this creates musculoskeletal disorders that are difficult to cure over the long term.

The musculoskeletal system creates a magnificent framework of the body. It enables the body to move around freely as well as holds all the organs in its right place. Ergonomic problems can cause intense injuries to the musculoskeletal system which causes several complications.

At Nimba, your wellbeing is our utmost priority. Therefore, we provide numerous Naturopathy therapies like Abhyangam treatment, Udhvartan, Deep Tissue Massage and Reflexology which helps in curing the aforementioned musculoskeletal issues, especially arthritis.

The purpose of these therapies is multi-fold. Every problem is studied in detail and each of our therapy has a healing procedure specifically dedicated to it. For example, an ayurvedic diet, massages and yogasanas are essential in curing osteoarthritis, whereas sciatica demands hot/cold ice packs, acupuncture, potli massage and reflexology to heal completely.

Here, we responsibly take your hand through the entire procedure so you can leave our Nature Cure Village feeling healthy, happy, and healed.

We welcome you to a safe haven where you can begin a healthy life, free of any ergonomic complications. We welcome you to Nimba.

10 Reasons Why Detox Is Important

Nimba nature care

10 Reasons Why Detox Is Important

By: - May 9, 2020

We hear a lot about detoxification these days. But did you know it was a therapy developed in the early 1920s! Detox therapy naturally removes body toxins. So, why do we need a Detox?

Our busy lifestyle pattern leads us to poor food choices. We also end up taking a lot of stress. Also, We don’t undergo physical strain. This might have an adverse effect on our body. Hence, it becomes very important for us to detox our body, once in a while.

Nowadays, there are special places and retreats where we can stay and detoxify our body. These special retreats guide us in the process of Detoxification.

The Nimba Naturopathy Centre also has detox centres where the specialists guide in the detoxification process.


Why Is Detox Important?


Detox Helps In Removing Body Toxins

This therapy removes the body toxins. Our poor eating habits lead to poor digestion. This is due to unwanted waste in the stomach. So, it becomes important to purify the body after regular intervals.


Detox Helps In Losing Weight

We tend to face the problem of obesity due to lack of exercise and uneven eating habits. This leads to poor digestion. It also increases body toxins. When we detoxify our body, you lose toxins. This helps us in losing weight.

detox your body

Detox Energizes Your Body

When the body toxins increase, our body becomes lazy. When you detoxify, it freshens up the organs. It also improves blood circulation. The aura of such retreat relaxes and energizes the mind and the body.


Detox Helps Your Skin Glow

Our skin is very sensitive. And we often forget to pamper it. It is the only organ exposed to pollution directly. It is highly toxic and in utter need of freshness. Therefore we should regularly detoxify our skin. This will bring back the radiant skin and its freshness. It also helps in getting rid of acne and oily skin.


Detox Can Help Improve Your Mental Health

Detox can improve your sense of well being. It helps you feel good, which is the whole point of everything mentioned above. It freshens up and calms down the mind. The environment of such retreats generates positive vibes. This improves one’s mental health.


Detox Helps In Getting Rid Of UnnecessaryΒ  Food Cravings.

Detox retreats keep us away from sugar and carbs. These things anyway are harmful to the body in the long run. But they are very tempting and one cannot resist them. When you do not consume these products for sometime, your craving for them decreases.


Your Body Needs Detox

In our busy routines, we don’t get time to take care of ourselves. We don’t generally detox but it is essential. So step forward and take a detoxify treatment. In this way, one can eat healthy in a pollution free environment for about 10 days. This will help in energizing the body.


Detox Stimulates Body’s Natural Detox Process

Due to our unhealthy eating habits, we end up disturbing the natural detox process. In this scenario, it becomes important to take external help. Detox therapy flushes out body waste. This results in the normal functioning of our natural detox system. This avoids many health problems.


We all need Some Me Time

What can be better than spending time with one’s ownself. Sometimes taking a break, pampering yourself, giving yourself proper sleep and self care is all you need. This does not only heal you physically, but it also heals you mentally and emotionally. It detoxifies your thoughts and helps you think clearly. And so one should definitely try detox therapy after regular intervals.

detox therapy

How Can Detox Help In The Current Scenario?

In today’s times, with Covid-19 outburst, it is very important to stay immune. The virus weakens the immune system, making it tough to recover. Detox strengthens the immune system. It also energizes the body which in summer and in this situation is a necessity.

















9 Simple Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain

Arthritis Pain

9 Simple Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain

By: - May 7, 2020

Let’s start by understanding what Arthritis is. Arthritis is inflammation in the joints. This results in pain and stiffness in joints. It also decreases joint movement because of pain and stiffness. Mostly, Arthritis pain comes along with age and causes wear and tear in the joint’s bones. There are over 100 types of arthritis that prevail across the world.


Natural Treatment for arthritis –

Natural treatment mainly involves simple measures like heat and ice packs. These simple measures reduce stiffness. they also relieve the joint pain caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis


Rheumatoid Arthritis –

is the most common long-term inflammatory disorder. It primarily causes pain in joints. It also results in swollen and stiff joints causing acute pain in joints.


Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis –

If the Arthritis is detected at an early stage, one can be given a temporary pain relief. This can be done with the help of disease-modifying and rheumatic drugs. But if it’s been longer, there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis.


Tips to Naturally Ease Arthritis Pain


Application of heat and cold packs

The benefit of heat and cold packs goes hand in hand. The cold pack reduces pain sensation by reducing swelling. The heated pack eases down, the tensed muscles helping one relax, reducing pain. It also works as a pain relief for rheumatoid arthritis.


Try to relax

Relaxed mind helps in relaxing tensed muscles. A person with arthritis should take utmost care of stress and pressure trying to avoid them.


Make it a Habit to Exercise

Exercise makes you active and fit. For arthritis one should practice mild exercises and soft stretches only. One can also practice scant distance and slow walking. Your doctor can explain which exercises suit best in a given condition. You can also visit Nimba Care for more information about the same.


Way To Naturally Reduce Arthritis


Meditate – To reduce arthritis,Β  it is very important to relax the body. Meditation helps reduce stress and relax the mind. Meditation is proven to be the most effective ways to relieve stress


Take Massages – Gently massaging the pain points can help in pain relief. Consult an experienced doctor for the same. Nimba Nature Cure also has experienced therapists. They are skilled to provide deep tissue massages.


Reduce Weight – Increased body weight can increase pressure on joints. Weight loss can reduce strain on the joint muscles. To do it right, take guidance from an expert. Be it a doctor or a therapist.


Consume More Turmeric – Β Consume more turmeric in the food or in milk. It has rich medicinal value. It reduces inflammation. This works as an add-on in reducing inflammation and pain.


Increase The Intake Of Herbal Supplements – Herbal Supplements are as important as Natural Supplements. Certain herbs such as Boswellia, Bromelain, Devil’s claw, Ginkgo, Stinging nettle, Thunder god vine can help relieve Arthritis pain.


Consume Diet Comprising Fatty acids – Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid. It reduces the intense arthritis pain. Fish oil supplements are natural. Their intake can benefit to ease pain.


Practise Acupuncture –Β Acupuncture heals many diseases including arthritis. It is a very old medical technique. It includes piercing needles in body parts to cure diseases. The World Health Organization has recommended it for arthritis patients.


Exercise Regularly – Regular exercise is very beneficial. It increases body flexibility. Mild exercise should be practised.Β  Water aerobics and Swimming are also helpful.


Practice Hot-cold Therapy –Β We have already discussed this therapy. Besides that, patients should also take hot showers. They should also use electric blankets to apply on the joints. Ice gel packs serve the same purpose and can massage with that too. At Nimba, we also have a few therapies that work wonders on arthritis pain. Pay us a visit or call us to know more!

What Is Panchakarma Treatment And How Is It Helpful?

best panchkarma treatment

What Is Panchakarma Treatment And How Is It Helpful?

By: - December 20, 2019

Panchakarma treatment is a naturopathic treatment and the perfect way to eliminate any toxins in the body and rebalance the doshas. Panchakarma treatment has majorly 3 phases that helps rejuvenate the body and mind. A wellness centre or a naturopathy centre is the perfect place to go through a Panchakarma treatment. The treatment uses natural ingredients in different forms such as oils and pastes. The three phases are:

1. Poorva Karma: The body is prepared to dislodge the toxins

2. Panchakarma: 5 cleansing treatment methods are used for detoxification

3. Pashchaath Karma: Reestablishes the digestive fire with the help ofΒ  specially tailored diet

Now, let us look at some of the benefits of Panchakarma treatment:

  • Eliminates toxins from the body:

If you visit a naturopathy centre, they will use panchakarma treatment to help you experience optimal health. It is more of a cleansing process that releases toxins and helps the body heal naturally.

  • Helps restore AGNI (the metabolic fire)

A wellness centre helps increase the ojas of a person which is created by healthy tissues in the body. Panchakarma improves the agni by improving the digestion of a person.

  • Reduces stress:

With the goodness of nature, Panchakarma is known for improving the relaxation and tolerance of a person, which thereby reduces stress and anxiety. Panchakarma, being a naturopathic treatment, brings you close to nature and hence adds to your happiness.

  • Improves the immunity level:

Panchakarma demands for a strict lifestyle and diet. Hence, naturopathy centres stress on the same, and improves the immune system of a person. An improved immune system helps fight diseases and protects from illnesses.

  • Improves inner peace and gives a sense of clarity

Panchakarma promotes mental peace. It helps get rid of long held misery, managingΒ  repressed outrage, guilt, and other similar problems which affect our mental health.

Panchakarma is known as one of the best naturopathy treatments which helps rejuvenate the body, mind and soul. If you feel you need to rejuvenate yourself, visit a wellness centre or naturopathy centre and heal yourself.

Naturopathy gives us an opportunity to reconnect with our roots and receive what nature has to offer us. Nimba Wellness Centre is a wellness retreat in India, and one of the largest and well-known naturopathy centres in Ahmedabad which focuses on reviving the crucial equilibrium of the 5 basic elements of life- earth, water, air, fire, and ether.

Learn The Best Ways To Lose Weight

weight loss methods in naturopathy

Learn The Best Ways To Lose Weight

By: - October 12, 2019


Weight loss methods, easy ways to reduce weight, reduce weight tips are few of the most often searched online terms as it is one of the major concerns in today’s life.Β 

Due to unhealthy lifestyle and work stress, people are suffering from obesity and other diseases related to it. But since they are tired of all the usual methods and their side effects, what they are constantly looking for is a natural treatment to lose weight. But to know that, you must first understand obesity and its nature.


Obesity, Its Causes & Effects


Obesity is a medical condition where excess fat accumulates in the body, which then gives birth to various health issues. Commonly, a person with a BMI greater than 30 is considered obese.Β 

Its usual causes are excess consumption of calories, living a sedentary life, insufficient sleep and obesity genes. It leads to high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, joint problems, respiratory problems and psychosocial effects. So losing weight is not just a need, it’s a requirement.


The Different Weight Loss Methods Everyone Is Talking About


  1. Switching To A Healthier Diet Is The Best Weight Loss Method:Β Try to include fresh fruits and vegetables that have high fibre in your diet. Make sure to hydrate with enough water to flush out the toxins from the body. Reduce the intake of processed and fried food and include whole-grain food items in your daily diet. Avoid crash diets to lose weight as it can cause more health-related problems.Commonly known healthy food for weight loss includes green leafy vegetables, boiled potatoes, beans and legumes, soups, paneer, etc.
  2. Include Physical Activity On A Regular Basis For Weight loss:Β It is important to include physical activity in your lifestyle to lose weight as it stabilizes the insulin level that helps in weight loss.Β Take the stairs instead of the elevator, play your favorite sport, take your dog for a walk, play with your children in the garden or go to work on a cycle. These easy weight loss methods will help to reduce all the excess pounds in the body.Β 
  3. Naturopathy treatment:Β One of the best ways for weight loss is through naturopathyΒ treatment. It is a combination of a specific diet, physical & mental exercise and herbal treatment & therapies. It is a natural treatment to lose weight as it helps to treat the root cause of obesity without any side effects.Β 
  4. Medical Surgery For Weight Loss:Β Β A medical surgery called bariatric surgery is performed on a person that is obese or overweight. After the surgery, the stomach loses the capacity to consume large number of calories.


Naturopathy Treatments For Weight Loss

Natural treatment to lose weight includes naturopathy therapies and treatments like Abhyangam, Udhvartan, deep tissue massage, etc. Let us see what these treatments involve:

  • Abhyangam:Β This naturopathy treatment involves medicated oils that contain certain ayurvedic herbs. A massage with such oils reduces cellulite from the skin and is a natural way to lose weight.Β 
  • Udhvartan:Β Naturopathy treatment like this has certain herbal powder and oils that are massaged on the whole body. It helps to cut cellulite and increase blood circulation.Β 


Nimba Naturopathy Centre– Delivering Exceptional QualityΒ Treatment For Weight Loss

The team of expert healers at Nimba Naturopathy Centre provide some of the best natural treatments for weight loss. We also take care of the exercise routine, diet and nutrition. It also regulates the sleep cycle and helps to achieve a calm mindset with yoga and meditation. So visit Nimba for rejuvenating weight loss treatments and therapies and see a significant change in your weight.

Pause With Nimba


Pause With Nimba

By: - September 28, 2019

We cannot stress enough how important it is to care for physical and mental health. We often forget to take care of our health because of busy schedules, unawareness or laziness.

What if we say that there is a wellness retreat naturopathy centre named Nimba Nature Cure on the outskirts of Ahmedabad, that believes in holistic healthy living, Β takes care of your physical and mental well being and also includes exercise routine and healthy diet without any side effects?


How Nimba Takes Care Of Your Eating Habits?

With all the sweets and junk food around, it is difficult to develop healthy eating habits in our day to day lifestyle. The kind of food you consume affects your mood. It also affects your energy level and can lead to weight gain. Your sleep cycles are also affected because of what you eat. Nimba, a wellness retreat centre understands this and provides a Satvik meal, customised for every guest at the in-house restaurant. This naturopathy centre prepares a nutritious diet and suggests various healthy options for you to consume once you begin with your regular lifestyle.


How Nimba Takes Care Of Your Exercise Routine?

At least a 30 minute exercise routine should be included in your everyday lifestyle. But with a busy lifestyle, one fails to take that time out. However, Nimba, a wellness centre includes all forms of exercise like Zumba, yoga, aerobics, etc. You can also play your favourite sport like badminton or cricket with fellow guests at Nimba.


How Nimba Takes Care Of Your Sleep Cycle?

Long office hours, exam stress, addiction to use digital devices or family tension can lead to insomnia. Sufficient sleep is important for emotional wellbeing and physical health. It is also essential for effective daytime performance. Nimba wellness centre takes care of your sleep routine. We help our guests in digital detoxification and plan a dincharya for them to restore the natural circadian rhythm of the body.


What Else Nimba Offers?

Team NimbaΒ 

Team Nimba consists of highly qualified professionals, doctors, therapists, researchers, and support staff. We never fail to deliver quality services to the guests.

Wellness TreatmentΒ 

Nimba, a naturopathy centre delivers the best wellness treatment like Ayurveda, Naturopathy, yoga and meditation, physiotherapy and many other special therapies like cupping therapy, far infra detox, hot stone massage, etc.

Treatment And Therapies For Diseases

Nimba provides herbal treatment and therapies for respiratory, gastrointestinal diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, endocrine diseases and lifestyle diseases.

Accommodation and Retreat Facilities

Nimba provides comfortable accommodation so that you don’t miss your home. We also have an organic farm, a meditation cave, a recreation centre and a cardio gym to give you a retreat full experience.

We advise you to come and visit Nimba at least once. Enjoy a wellness retreat vacation at Nimba leaving all the stress and tension behind. Our great hospitality, quality services and splendid ambience will make you feel at home. Give it a try and we assure that you will have one of the best experiences of your life.

Freedom From β€˜Get Well Soon’

get well soon, naturopathy

Freedom From β€˜Get Well Soon’

By: - August 9, 2019

How many times a year do you receive this text, β€˜Get well soon’, from your friends?

Seasonal climate changes, viral infections, consumption of junk food, not eating the right kind of food, not consuming enough water, etc.,are various reasons why we frequently fall ill. There is a bigger umbrella under which all these illnesses fall. The reason is low immunity and low resistance against diseases. While growing up, we all often heard the phrase, β€˜prevention is better than cure’ and β€˜say no to procrastination’ but failed to apply it in daily life.

To make yourself immune to diseases, you first have to take preventive measures at the right time. There are various naturopathy treatments that not only help us feel better but also boost the immune system.


Remember your A-B-C-D-Es.

Lack of nutrients and minerals reduce immunity. The body specifically needs Vitamin A, B2, B6, C, D And E for a good resistance against diseases. It is essential to identify which foods provide which nutrients and include a balance of all in our diets.


Chant the Super Mantra- β€œOM”

While stress does affect the body in a physical way, it has a number of ill-effects on mental and emotional well being which includes a reduced immune response. Stress-reducing naturopathy treatments include meditation, massages and even learning and implementing proper breathing techniques.


Increase Sleep

Naturopathy treatments suggest that for holistic wellness, as the season changes, our sleeping patterns should change too. This is because our body actually requires an adequate amount of sleep to build our immune system or repair what has been damaged due to some illness. Ideally, one should sleep between 10-11PM and wake up between 6-7AM.


Herbal Teas & Tinctures-

Echinacea is a North American plant of the daisy family, whose roots are used in herbal medicine, largely for its antibiotic and wound-healing properties. It finds an extensive use in prevention medicine and naturopathy treatment as well.


Increase Intake Of Warm Foods

A human body requires more internal heat during winters or autumns, mainly to fight off infections. Bone broths, soups and stews are a great way to get all the nutrients required to increase immune functions. Increase food intake especially from allium family- garlic and onions as they possess great antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties.

There are various other naturopathy treatments that help the body not only fight against diseases but also prevent them from happening altogether. At Nimba Nature Cure Village, naturopathic treatments by expert healers impart pure holistic wellness to you. Delve into wellness with the naturopathy treatments at Nimba that relax your body and soul. Nimba is the best place to experience harmless, tested, and trusted naturopathy treatments in Western India. If you are looking for rejuvenating & stimulating experience and healthy life, come and experience Nimba.

This Winter, Rejuvenate Yourself with ideal Therapeutic Massage

This winter, rejuvenate yourself with ideal therapeutic massage

This Winter, Rejuvenate Yourself with ideal Therapeutic Massage

By: - December 20, 2017

Normally, people do not like to go for body massage during winters, but experts suggest that winters are the best for body massages. When you talk about massage, it is always a blend of the oil that provides warmth to your body and helps in blood circulation. Massage is also beneficial for muscles. So, in this blog, we’ve come up with the major benefits of massage in winters.

Why does massage beneficial for your body in winter?

Great for the Psyche

During winter you often feel depressed, negative or unhappy. This is because of the Seasonal Affective Disorder that is common during this dark and cold season. Though massage therapy is not clinically proven to cure depression, regular massage enhances warmth in your body and hence an overall state of well-being. Hence, massage therapy is considered a great mood lifter.

Boosts Immune System and Blood Circulation

With winter comes the higher chances of getting sick as the cells in your body, that fight the infections can sometimes be reluctant to tackle the invading bacteria in this season. This is where winter massages are helpful for your body. The massage of your body increases the lymph flow which is packed with the white blood cells and encourages them to get to work and fight off the infections and bacteria, boosting your immune system. Moreover, cold weather can lead to many discomforts, pains and arthritis as we probably do less exercise in these months than in the warmer months. Massage also helps in enhancing the blood circulation in our body, naturally improving circulation to muscles, joints, and organs and improving body functions.

Hydrates Dry Skin

Dry Skin is the major problem that you mostly suffer during this season. The lower humidity and decrease in temperature often leads to dry skin, rashes and many other skin problems. Massage is here to your rescue again. Massage, in winters, is proven to improve skin hydration during these dry winter months. The oil used in massage improves your circulation and nourishes and hydrates your skin.

Different Types Of Massages Ideal For Winter Season

Nimba Nature Cure Village provides you ideal winter massages which are beneficial to your body during these cold months.

Different Types Of Massages Ideal For Winter Season
Different Types Of Massages Ideal For Winter Season – Nimba Nature Cure

Hot Stone Massage:

Nimba Naturopathy Centre offers you the Hot Stone Massage therapy which is considered a great relaxation therapy. In this therapy water-heated flat and smooth stones are placed at the key points on your body to help your body get the warmth.

Deep Tissue Massage:

Nimba Naturopathy Centre is the best place to enjoy the goodness of nature packed with health relaxing therapies. Deep Tissue therapy is one such massage in which the rigid tissues are applied firm pressure to improve the motion and reduce inflammation.

Hydro Therapy:

Hydro Therapy is the collective name of aquatic exercises and massage in hot and cold water. Nimba Nature Cure Village offers you the underwater hydrotherapy massage which helps in reducing muscle spasms and pain. Hydrotherapy is also effective in strengthening the muscles and joints.

Body Massage Therapy:

Body massage therapy relieves the body from stress and stiffness at its best. Body massage is considered very helpful in improving blood circulation, relieving pain and toning muscles.

Vibro Massage:

Nimba provides you with advanced massage therapy that gives whole-body relaxation and improves blood circulation. It is also helpful in reducing fat accumulated in particular parts of the body.


Reflexology is a massage offered by Nimba to keep your skin soft. It channelizes the energy flow in the body by massaging the relevant parts.

Naturopathy Treatment for Diabetes: A Step-By-Step Guide

Naturopathy Treatment for Diabetes

Naturopathy Treatment for Diabetes: A Step-By-Step Guide

By: - September 15, 2016

Gujarat and more importantly Ahmedabad may emerge as the diabetes capital of India. World Health Organisation (WHO) reports referring to India as the potential diabetic capital of the world, with the number of patients in the disease expected to increase from three to six crores by 2025.

A number of reports have cautioned about the rising number of Diabetes cases in Gujarat, India and many newspapers have published that Gujarat is the diabetes capital of India. Further, Diabetes in Ahmedabad is increasing by leaps and bound on the other hand awareness about diabetes is a very low pace. NIMBA nature cure village in Gujarat is doing excellent work on awareness and curing diabetes cases in Gujarat.

Not only Patient suffering from Diabetes but also patients whose glucometer shows borderline must visit this place for consultation done by a qualified naturopath doctor for diabetes and get the professional and right guidance to fight back against diabetes through nature cure.

Naturopathy treatments for diabetes are proven and prescribed by experienced and qualified Naturopathy doctorsΒ at NIMBA. A naturopathydiet, especially a diabetic diet is well prepared by the professional dietician at the center and a team makes sure that the patient has followed the prescribed diet chart and treatment on time.

Also read: Get The Naturopathy Treatment For Diabetes In India

What is diabetes & Why Naturopathy Treatment for Diabetes Is Best For You?

It is a condition in which the body’s mechanism for breaking down glucose is hampered. Thus the blood level of glucose rises. The prescribed normal standard for glucose in the blood is 110 mg/ml.

Type I diabetes

Diabetes can occur at any age. However, it is most often diagnosed in children, adolescents, and young adults. The early symptoms are thirst, hunger, constant fatigue, blurry eyesight, losing feeling or tingling sensation in feet, loss in weight and frequent urination. In type I Patients have little or no ability to produce insulin and are entirely dependent on injections of insulin for survival.

Type II diabetes

The pancreas retains its ability to produce insulin, but either the quantity is inadequate or insulin cannot be used to the full extent by the tissues.

For what reason does diabetes happen and how it can be cured?

Our lifestyle and sugar content in food may be considered culprits, though genetic factors also play an equivalent role. At least 50% of the population in India does not eat even one vegetable a day. Worse, only 11% of them eat at least one fruit a day. (ICMR study) Another study by Diabetes Foundation (India) found a section of children skip breakfast, don’t carry lunch boxes to school, choose to snack on fast food instead, and thereby become susceptible to Diabetes.

Lifestyle changes can be corrected very well through naturopathy treatment for diabetes capital Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India NIMBA is the blessing, best of the naturopathy treatment are served here under professional guidance for the curing of diabetes through naturopathy. Few Patients have witnessed that there the body has started the production of insulin and they have stopped taking the insulin injections or an insulin pump after naturopathy treatment for diabetes at Nimba.


Prevention and control seem to be a wise route to adopt as there is no cure. Eating a healthy, balanced diet that is low-fat and high in fibre and carbohydrates is helpful. Eating three main meals and two or three smaller ones helps the body’s metabolism. Regular exercise also helps control the amount of sugar in the blood.

Shirodhara Treatment, Therapy, Procedures & Benefits | Nimba

Shirodhara Treatment, Therapy, Procedures & Benefits | Nimba

By: - September 7, 2016

Gujarat’s largest Naturopathy Center, NIMBA Nature Cure Village brings this classical Kerala therapy at your doorstep. The word β€œShirodhara” is a combination of two words β€œShiro” means head and β€œDhara” means flowing fluid. It is an Ayurvedic treatment. This world renowned Kerala Panchakarma therapy is best for soothing the nerves and nourishment of the brain.

In Shirodhara Treatment, A continuous stream of warm medicate oil is poured in a rhythmic manner on forehead (the location of the β€œthird eye”) for about 45-60 minutes. Experienced Panchakarma therapists from Kerala provide you this Shirodhara treatment is in a classical way. The gentle pressure and soothing warmth of the oil allow the body, mind and nervous system to experience a soul deep calmness, similar to a state of meditation.

At NIMBA we provide specialized forms of Shirodhara Treatment called β€œTAILADHARA” (medicated oils), β€œKSHEERADHARA” (medicated milk), β€œTAKRADHARA” (medicated milk) and β€œJALADHARA” (medicated water).

Mechanism of action

The forehead or β€˜Ajna Chakra’ or β€˜Third Eye’, has a highly concentrated nerve supply. The pressure of the oil onto the forehead creates a vibration. The Shirodhara oil saturates the forehead and scalp and further penetrates into the nervous system, creating a tranquil state of mind and induce natural sleep.

Procedure for Shirodhara Treatment

After consulting with our physician the prescribe Shirodhara oil is selected. The client is advised to lie flat on a special wooden table with his neck and head comfortably placed. A stream of warm medicate oil is poured in a continuous, slow and steady stream from a special vessel onto the center of the forehead followed by gentle scalp Shirodhara massage.

Different liquid mediums are used in Dhara according to individual health problems. Medicated Shirodhara oils, milk, buttermilk, tender coconut water and decoction of herb extracts are some of the fluids used. There are no specific restrictions after Shirodhara except that one must not bathe after the treatment.

Benefits of Shirodhara Treatment

This Shirodhara treatment deeply relaxes and revitalizes the central nervous system. Activates the pituitary and pineal glands, as well as the hypothalamus, which organize and regulate all hormones in the body. It helps to enhance the functioning of the brain by reducing stress while the memory and quality of sleep is improved.


ShirodharaΒ Treatment is useful in a wide range of psychic, psychosomatic and chronic degenerative conditions. It is one of the most preferred Shirodhara treatments in psychological disorders, stress, anxiety, obsessive behavior, depression and headaches of various origins. Few of the common conditions are listed below: