Self Care For Good Health


Self Care For Good Health

By: - September 10, 2019

Self Care – What It Is And Why Is It Important?

Self-care is a conscious action taken by a human for the well being of their mind, body and soul.

Safeguarding your well being is in your hands. A human being cannot function efficiently without a healthy mind, body or spirit. Sometimes because of an unhealthy lifestyle or sometimes because of the constant juggle to balance family time and working hours, people tend to forget their health. Your ill health doesn’t only affect you but it also affects your family, social life and professional life. Therefore, it is important to take care of yourself and keep yourself healthy.


Lifestyle Diseases – They Are Affecting You

We often don’t realise how our day to day habits affect our lifestyle. Such habits make our lifestyle unhealthy, later giving birth to lifestyle diseases. Now what do we mean by an unhealthy lifestyle? 

Unhealthy eating habits like immense consumption of sweets, desserts and junk food leads to lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity, chronic heart diseases, etc. Excessive consumption of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs lead to skin diseases, psychological disorders and several other mental illnesses. Sometimes due to work pressure or unhealthy habits, the sleep-wake cycle is disturbed. This creates an imbalance in the biological processes of the human body, as a result of which the human body suffers from lifestyle diseases.
When laziness and unhealthy habits come together to control the lifestyle of a human being, such diseases take birth in the human body.


How To Self Care?

  • Diabetes- Can it be treated?

Till now, no diabetes cure is there in the medical world. However, the effect of diabetes can be remitted by bringing the sugar level down. Naturopathy treatment for diabetes includes hydrotherapy and various ayurvedic medicines that can help to bring the sugar level down. A strict diet with no sugar and naturopathic remedies are potent natural remedies for diabetes.


  • Obesity- Is there a treatment for it?

Excessive fat accumulation in the body gives birth to various other physical and psychological disorders. Naturopathy treatment for obesity is fruitful in order to reduce excess fat layers from the body. Naturopathy treatment for obesity includes weight loss treatment like abhyangam, udhvartan, deep tissue massage, etc. Along with obesity natural treatment, a healthy diet, some herbal remedies and exercise can help you reduce that excess fat from your body.


  • Psychological disorders- How to treat them?

Depression, anxiety and hypertension can lead to mental stress and trauma. Poor nutrition, addiction of toxic substances like alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, excessive work pressure, etc. can lead to such disorders. It can be treated with naturopathic treatments like mediation, raga therapy, etc.


Nimba- One-stop destination to remit lifestyle diseases

We have talked about self-care and lifestyle diseases above and suggested some natural ways to cure or remit their effect on the human lifestyle.

Nimba Nature Cure has some most of the renowned and experienced experts that deliver the best naturopathy treatments that could help you enjoy the benefit of a healthier lifestyle without any side effects. Nimba understands the importance of self-care and therefore they deliver the best naturopathy treatment and therapies to their customers. The therapies and treatments are customised as per individual body so that every customer receives the most appropriate and effective treatment.

A Wellness Program For Healthy Organization

Corporate Wellness Program-nimba-nature-cure

A Wellness Program For Healthy Organization

By: - August 23, 2019

Employees are invaluable assets to the organization. Their wellbeing is important in order to produce efficient results for the organization. The employers need to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle for employees. The employer would avail benefits like fewer sick leaves and a lower health insurance cost. Technology has made human life simpler but loaded it with a lot of stress and burden. The long hours of a desk job, the pressure to meet deadlines and overtime develops physical and mental exhaustion in the employees. A wellness program that addresses the concerns related to employee health is important. The office environment should be a healthy workplace with a healthy workforce.

How healthy are your employees?

The employees may look fit from outside but no one can really tell what is happening to their mental and physical health. The employees are prone to health issues such as high cholesterol, cardiovascular problems, obesity, high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, diabetes, etc. They occur because of long sitting hours, lack of adequate exercise, unhealthy eating habits, stress, consumption of cigarettes and alcohol, etc.

So what can be done?

A corporate wellness program can be the solution to all the mental and physical issues mentioned above. It will ensure that your employees remain fit and fine and work productively and efficiently throughout the day.

What benefits does a corporate wellness package provide?

The results of a corporate wellness program would be visible in the overall performance of the employees. The health and happiness of the employees measure the success of an organization. A corporate wellness package would gift the following benefits to employees:

  • Higher efficiency at workplace.
  • A better performance
  • A happy and lively attitude
  • Increased morale
  • Higher job satisfaction
  • Better management skills to handle stress
  • A healthy immune system
  • Fewer sick leaves
  • Better contribution to discussions
  • Reduced conflicts at the workplace
  • Improved employee recruitment and retention
  • Builds good fellowship among workers

How is Nimba as a corporate wellness centre?

Nimba has a corporate wellness centre that facilitates your employees’ personal and professional growth. It helps the employees in the following ways:

  • Suggests physical activity
  • Meditation, aerobics and yoga
  • Holistic therapies
  • Sessions and activities on stress management
  • Self-assessment and recreational activities
  • Back-care programs, etc.

All of these create a healthy lifestyle for employees. The employees would feel much more rejuvenated and calm after being a part of its wellness program.

Wellness For All, All For Wellness


Wellness For All, All For Wellness

By: - August 16, 2019

The definition of wellness differs from person to person. Wellness is a holistic integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, which helps the body to grow, engage the mind and nurture the spirit. Although it always includes striving for better health, it is more about living life fully. Wellness is a lifestyle and a way of living that allows you to become the best version of yourself. Whether a teenager or adult, wellness is important for all.


Wellness A New Trend

People have started welcoming ways of getting healthy in their life. They are following a routine which can help them achieve complete wellness. 

There are many diseases and disorders caused due to intake of junk food and living an unhealthy lifestyle. 

Being healthy is the new cool and a new way of being an active part of the society. But isn’t it okay? At least the world is trying to bring a positive change. There are many new wellness centres and naturopathy treatments available all around the world.


Symptoms That Depict Your Body Needs Wellness

  • Depression
  • Frequent Mood Swings
  • Dry Skin
  • Premature Graying
  • Sleep Issues
  • Bad Skin, etc.


Achieve Wellness 

The different areas where people need to be balanced and healthy to have complete wellness are: 

  • Emotional- The first part is to have a healthy relationship with yourself and then you will have healthy relationships with others.
  • Environmental- Healthy-minded individuals seek healthy-minded environments.
  • Financial- Go step by step but address finances, or they will continue to trip you up and control you. 
  • Intellectual- Your brain is like a muscle and deserves to be exercised, strengthened, and nurtured with nutrition.
  • Occupational- Find out what you love to do and make a career in it. It will be a fun job with good returns. 
  • Physical- Try to exercise and keep yourself away from the stress. 
  • Social- Attend to those relationships that are healthy rather than destructive. End hopeless relationships.
  • Spiritual- If you have a spiritual path which you are comfortable with then, that is the best way to overcome the obstacles. 

    To achieve this complete wellness – naturopathy treatment, meditation, Yoga and Ayurveda can be of great help. Various naturopathy centres around the world offer a range of wellness retreats for better living. If you are looking for rejuvenating & stimulating experience and healthy life, come and experience it at Nimba. We are the unique naturopathy & wellness centre which offers natural way to heal your body, mind and soul.

Freedom From ‘Get Well Soon’

get well soon, naturopathy

Freedom From ‘Get Well Soon’

By: - August 9, 2019

How many times a year do you receive this text, ‘Get well soon’, from your friends?

Seasonal climate changes, viral infections, consumption of junk food, not eating the right kind of food, not consuming enough water, etc.,are various reasons why we frequently fall ill. There is a bigger umbrella under which all these illnesses fall. The reason is low immunity and low resistance against diseases. While growing up, we all often heard the phrase, ‘prevention is better than cure’ and ‘say no to procrastination’ but failed to apply it in daily life.

To make yourself immune to diseases, you first have to take preventive measures at the right time. There are various naturopathy treatments that not only help us feel better but also boost the immune system.


Remember your A-B-C-D-Es.

Lack of nutrients and minerals reduce immunity. The body specifically needs Vitamin A, B2, B6, C, D And E for a good resistance against diseases. It is essential to identify which foods provide which nutrients and include a balance of all in our diets.


Chant the Super Mantra- “OM”

While stress does affect the body in a physical way, it has a number of ill-effects on mental and emotional well being which includes a reduced immune response. Stress-reducing naturopathy treatments include meditation, massages and even learning and implementing proper breathing techniques.


Increase Sleep

Naturopathy treatments suggest that for holistic wellness, as the season changes, our sleeping patterns should change too. This is because our body actually requires an adequate amount of sleep to build our immune system or repair what has been damaged due to some illness. Ideally, one should sleep between 10-11PM and wake up between 6-7AM.


Herbal Teas & Tinctures-

Echinacea is a North American plant of the daisy family, whose roots are used in herbal medicine, largely for its antibiotic and wound-healing properties. It finds an extensive use in prevention medicine and naturopathy treatment as well.


Increase Intake Of Warm Foods

A human body requires more internal heat during winters or autumns, mainly to fight off infections. Bone broths, soups and stews are a great way to get all the nutrients required to increase immune functions. Increase food intake especially from allium family- garlic and onions as they possess great antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties.

There are various other naturopathy treatments that help the body not only fight against diseases but also prevent them from happening altogether. At Nimba Nature Cure Village, naturopathic treatments by expert healers impart pure holistic wellness to you. Delve into wellness with the naturopathy treatments at Nimba that relax your body and soul. Nimba is the best place to experience harmless, tested, and trusted naturopathy treatments in Western India. If you are looking for rejuvenating & stimulating experience and healthy life, come and experience Nimba.


detox your body


By: - July 13, 2019

The dictionary literally defines obesity as, ‘the state of being grossly fat or overweight.’ In terms of Body Mass Index, a BMI between 25 and 29.9 or more indicates that a person is carrying excess weight. Continuous and careless intake of fried or unhealthy food, irregular sleep pattern, irregular eating schedules, etc. lead to the blocking of various body channels and fat deposition. Obesity can cause a number of metabolic disturbances that include hypertension, diabetes, irregular digestion, etc. It also affects mental health since people face body image issues and lack confidence at social events.

In a society that has constantly inundated us with the next best diet, it can be difficult to stay focused and know what’s actually beneficial and effective for healthy weight loss. We try various treatments for obesity and the common ones include crash diets and gymming. However, what we forget is how effective an ayurvedic treatment can be for losing weight. There are a number of ayurvedic remedies for weight loss.

Medicinal Herbs Or Plants

Although there are no magic pills as a part of ayurvedic treatment that can melt the fat away, there are some herbs that might help you in the process.

  1. Dandelion- Dandelion is a mild diuretic, laxative, and digestive aid that enhances fat metabolism.
  2. Cayenne Pepper- It works both as a medicinal herb and a spice that stimulates metabolism and serves as one of the best ayurvedic remedies for weight loss.
  3. Triphala and Brahmi also help in weight reduction. Easily obtainable fresh curry leaves, turmeric, mint and spices like ginger, cinnamon, black pepper are found to be very beneficial.

Experience All Six Tastes

Sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent are the six tastes that Ayurveda recognizes. Incorporating a balance of all these tastes in our daily diet works wonders. Sweet, sour and salty tastes are anabolic, or building, in nature and pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes, which are catabolic, or burning in nature.

Ayurvedic Massages

Deep, dry massages with herbal powders and pastes (Udwarthanam), massages with specific oils (Abhyanga) with a proper technique and herbal steam are great ayurvedic remedies for weight loss.

Proper Food And Water Intake

A glass of lukewarm water with lime juice and honey helps catalyze metabolism and purifies blood. Eat smaller meals and eat after every three hours.

At Nimba Nature Cure Village one undergoes a complete body and lifestyle analysis and then follows a meticulously planned diet tailor-made for every visitor. Ayurvedic treatment is the safest way to train your body and mind for weight loss. Ayurvedic treatments at Nimba will help you to flush out the toxins, expand self-awareness. The Ayurvedic treatments offered are seen to bring effective results and the best part about them is that once weight-loss is achieved through natural methods, it doesn’t witness a sudden increase. Nimba is known to offer one of the best ayurvedic treatments in India.

Try effective ayurvedic remedies for weight loss at Nimba Nature Cure Village & for more information contact us at [email protected] or call us at +91 81550 12274.

Monsoon Care For Diabetics!

natural therapy for diabetes

Monsoon Care For Diabetics!

By: - July 12, 2019

Monsoon brings relief from the sweltering heat and sunny summers. It puts a speed bump in fitness goals and increases the chances of falling ill too. This season is a tough time for people with diabetes, as they have to find alternate ways to exercise and stay safe from infections. There are natural ways to control diabetes in monsoons, like through naturopathy treatments for diabetes.

Naturopathy Treatments For Diabetes

This treatment is proven and prescribed by the experience and qualified naturopathy healers at Nimba. It includes naturopathy diet for the patient, which is well prepared by the healers at the centre. The team at Nimba will make sure that the patient has followed the prescribed diet chart and treatment on time.
Naturopathy treatments for diabetes also include regular exercises and meditation. Our lifestyle and sugar in the food can be the reasons for diabetes. This changes can be corrected very well through naturopathy treatment for diabetes at Nimba as it serves best of naturopathy treatment under professional guidance. Few patients, who went through the naturopathy treatment at Nimba have experienced a change in their body, as the body has started producing insulin naturally and they stopped taking the insulin injections after naturopathy treatment for diabetes at Nimba.

Diabetes Prevention

There is no cure, prevention and control for diabetes. But there is a wise route to adopt for diabetes prevention, which is eating a balanced diet with low fat and high on fire and carbohydrates. Eating three main meals and two or three smaller ones help the body’s metabolism. Along with this don’t forget to exercise.

Natural Ways To Control Diabetes

One of the natural ways to control diabetes is eating right, like consuming more fluids such as vegetable juice, coconut water, ginger tea, etc. The patients with diabetes are at a high risk of developing eye diseases in this season because it increases blood sugar which can lead to diabetic retinopathy. So avoid bathing in the rain and wear sunglasses when you go out. Dry your clothes in the sun to make sure your clothes no longer contain any bacteria that might affect you. Apart from these natural ways to control diabetes, a diabetes patient should always eat on time to keep the insulin levels in control, especially during this uncertain weather like a monsoon.

Monsoons can be fun for diabetes patients, but only if they take extra care and eat and exercise at the right time. We at Nimba are always there to help you and guide you. For information contact us at [email protected] or call us at +91 81550 12274.

Naturopathy And Food: A Healing Combination

naturopathy and wellness

Naturopathy And Food: A Healing Combination

By: - June 29, 2019

How Does Diet Affect Us? 

Does the word ‘diet’ instantly paint an image of cutting back on delicious food and having to follow an unpleasant weight-loss regime? A diet really implies much more than just that. The word diet broadly means specific intake of nutrition for health or weight-management reasons. It means eating wholesome meals which meet the nutrition-requirements of our body. Diet keeps our digestive system and metabolism in check.

How Can Diet Play A Role In Effective Naturopathy?

Diet is a significant element of a comprehensive naturopathic healthcare plan. Food has been repetitively stated as a medicine at many systems but it is the most apparent and obvious in Naturopathy. Naturopaths promote and encourage consumption of natural food i.e, the food that is provided by nature, be consumed in its natural form. As a fact, naturopathy broadly states that 80% of the food items should be uncooked and only 20% should be cooked. Right selection of natural food, followed by rational, judicious consumption can have a remedial effect that can cure multiple disorders and diseases.

Eating Right: Naturopathic Diets

In any event, the diet to which we are adapted is almost certainly much better for health, and reversing illness, than the prevailing modern diet. There is abundant evidence of disease-reversal with diets of whole, minimally processed food; plant-predominant diets; and even plant-exclusive diets.
Strong proteins such as cheese or tofu must be consumed in association with weak starches such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, etc. A cereal (high starch content) and pulse (weak proteins) combination is good. Gluten should be discarded from the diet and alkaline food must be eaten to neutralize the acidity of the body.

Inner Transitions

At Nimba, we put great emphasis on eating right and nourishing the body.
For ever person who visits Nimba, we design a diet and meticulously plan it based on their body type. A special diet therapy is also planned to improve healing, boost immunity and maintain an ideal body weight consistently. Nimba Nature Cure Village is spread-across the acres of land, most of which is used to cultivate our own fruits and vegetables, through organic farming which also ensures that the food intake is pure and free from chemicals.



In a general sense, we really do know what we are supposed to eat and what we are supposed to avoid. Influences around us make us undermine our ability to keep a check on our eating habits. At Nimba, we educate our visitors and ensure that they understand the importance and benefits of a naturopathic diet on various disorders and issues of their body. All one needs to bear in mind is that humans evolved to eat a wide variety of diets, all over the world, which offer wildly different kinds of foods. But none of them “naturally” offer junk food or industrially produced products. If we understand this and eat a balanced diet of real food, everything becomes more simple and more naturally desirable.

Heal It From Within!

nimba naturopathy centre

Heal It From Within!

By: - June 22, 2019

Nature has solutions to all your diseases and problems. The feeling of calmness and relaxation comes when we are deep in a forest or immersed in the natural world completely separated from society. It provides a sense of tranquillity.

The Healing Power of Nature

When you are one with nature, the only sounds you hear are of your own breath, footsteps, wind, rustling trees and the movements by the creatures. But sadly, all these are just left out for our imagination and we rarely get to experience the feel of nature. Nature has many powers but one of it is the power of healing us, from in and out.  It has given us gifts like Naturopathy and Ayurveda. There are many different types of  Ayurveda and Naturopathy therapies available in various naturopathy centres worldwide.


Ayurveda Treatments

Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing, that has its origins in the Vedic culture of India. It is more than a mere system of treating illness. It offers the body, the wisdom designed to help it stay vital while exploring the inner peace. Ayurveda treatments heal with the help of daily and seasonal routines and proper diet.

There are many therapies under the umbrella of Ayurveda like Shirodhara Treatment, Basti, Patra Pidan Sweden, Potli Massage, etc. Shirodhara treatment is one of the types of Ayurveda therapy which involves gentle pouring of ayurvedic liquid over the forehead. It has the power to de-stress you and make you feel calm and relaxed. Shirodhara is also one of the steps in Panchakarma therapy.


Naturopathy Treatments

Naturopathy is harmless healing through the powers of nature. Natural healing has its roots in the fact that our body possesses the innate power to heal itself.  At Nimba, we offer many naturopathy treatments like Colon Hydrotherapy, Vibro Massage, Ion Detox & Mud Pack which heals you naturally and effectively.

Colon hydrotherapy is used to remove harmful parasites from the body with the help of nature. It is used for improving the digestive system and to balance the pH level of the body. Colon Hydrotherapy also creates a positive impact on the immune system of the human body.


Getting healed naturally is better than taking medicines, as the solution given by nature lasts forever.  Nature will not have any side effects or reactions on your body. Nimba Nature Cure is the place to rejuvenate your body while learning healthy practices of nature. Come to Nimba and get a new experience. For more information contact us at [email protected] or call us at +91 81550 12274.

Fight Back Monsoon Woes With Naturopathy Treatments

monsoon at nimba

Fight Back Monsoon Woes With Naturopathy Treatments

By: - June 18, 2019

After a long and hot summer season, monsoons bring the much-needed relief and coolness around. The weather gets exceptionally beautiful and the browns give way to various shades of green. These shades bring peace and calmness in the body. But with all the beauty that accompanies the monsoons, the season also comes with its woes. You are more susceptible to health issues in this season because it reduces the immunity power of the body. Due to this, people tend to take medicines to improve their health. Why have medicines with side effects when Naturopathy centres in India offer various treatments and routes for a healthy living.     

Health Issues In Monsoon

According to Naturopathy, the season has an effect on the three doshas of the body – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The Vata causes problems related to digestion and immunity, the Pitta starts getting accumulating in the body and the Kapha though remains neutral and unaffected by the season, but it still has an effect on the body.    

Monsoon also brings health problems, like malaria, typhoid, dengue, and cholera.

Cure It In A Naturopathy Way

How can Naturopathy treatments help you here? Simply by making changes in what you eat and the routine you follow.

Naturopathy is an art as well as science for healthy living based on well-founded philosophies.  There are various naturopathy centres in India that practice this service. However, we at Nimba, not just practice but also preach the benefits of naturopathy.

What Can You Do To Create A Natural Shield This Monsoon?

  • Do not consume stale food, try to always eat freshly cooked food with less salt and oil. You can also add ginger, garlic, and onions in your diet to boost the metabolism.
  • Prefer pulses, wheat, rice, and ghee for the regular diet and try to avoid uncooked leafy vegetables.
  • Keep your body warm to stay protected as bacteria and viruses can easily attack you at low temperatures.
  • Take extra care of your feet and if you have walked in the dirty water, clean them asap!
  • Don’t let water accumulate around you like in garden or near the kitchen area, it will act as a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  • This is the ideal time for a Panchakarma detox which will keep you healthy throughout the year.
Monsoon is a great season to calm yourself and let your inner positivity grow but it also requires you to stay healthy at the same time. Hence, if you need any expert advice, talk to us at Nimba Naturopathy Centre, contact us at [email protected] or call us at +91 81550 12274.

Natural CURE For Diabetes: 5 Ways That Actually Works (2019)

natural cure for Diabetes

Natural CURE For Diabetes: 5 Ways That Actually Works (2019)

By: - August 20, 2018

Diabetes has become one of the major health concerns of the world! The World Health Organization states that the prevalence of diabetes among adults over 18 years of age was 4.7% in the year 1980, which has nearly doubled to 8.5% in the year 2014. More than 422 million people are suffering from diabetes and 1.6 million people die due to Diabetes!

Conventional Diabetes management depends on regular control of the blood sugar levels through insulin doses which help in keeping the blood sugar levels in check. But these methods are not really curative and they are to be followed for the rest of your life.

So, it is time we start searching for the natural cure for Diabetes!

The question is ‘How to cure Diabetes naturally’?

So, before learning the 5 easy natural cures for Diabetes, let’s make it clear that we are talking about Type II Diabetes and natural remedies to control it. And it is very important to control it because Diabetes is characterized by the high sugar levels in the blood. And if this situation prevails for a long time, it might damage vital organs of the body suchthe  as eyes, kidneys, and liver.

Natural Cure For Diabetes 5 Ways That Actually Works - nimba

Here are the 5 Natural Cure For Diabetes:

1. Do Yoga and Meditation regularly

Yoga is not exactly an exercise but it can still help you burn enough calories. For a diabetic patient, doing vigorous exercises like weight lifting are not advisable as it might lead to a steep reduction in the blood sugar levels which is quite dangerous. Rather, doing Yoga is fun and healthy at the same time. Also, Meditation helps a lot in creating a synergistic environment within the body, which helps in boosting the functions of different organ systems.

2. Eat naturally sweet fruits and veggies

One of the biggest reason behind the increase in the no. of people suffering from Diabetes is the use of refined sugar. The fruits and vegetables contain sugar which is easy for our body to metabolize and utilize. But the refined sugar is difficult for the body to process. Also, the fruits and vegetables have a good amount of fibres and other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals which boosts the health and functions of organs

3. Walk for 30 – 45 min daily

Most of the time, people end up having Diabetes because they have the sedentary lifestyle and they don’t use up the excess calories they have consumed. As more and more people do little or no exercises, the excess sugar gets accumulated in the body. Having a brisk walk of 30 – 45 min helps you to burn out those calories and it also helps you strengthen your health and boost your stamina. Walking in the open air is one of the most popular parts of the Naturopathy treatment for Diabetes.

4. Massage Therapy and Herbal Packs

Another important factor is the blood circulation in your body. Improved circulation through massages and mud packs or herbal packs boosts the blood circulation and it helps the body to streamline the body systems. These are one of the best Naturopathy treatment for Diabetes as along with the blood circulation, they also promote detoxification, and regeneration of the tissues. Also, staying stress-free and happy is the key factor in Diabetes Management, and massage therapy helps you feel relaxed instantly.

5. Embrace Naturopathy

Naturopathy is a way of life! Because Naturopathy focuses on strengthening the all the body’s systems simultaneously and treating the entire body as a whole. This helps you in controlling the bad effects of excess sugar in your body. Naturopathy will stop the bad effects on Eyes, Liver, Immunity, and Kidneys. And it will also boost the function of the Pancreas which is responsible for producing insulin. Naturopathy is the best way to manage Diabetes effectively, throughout your life.


These five are the most effective natural cure for Diabetes. And they are way better than the conventional therapies which only focus on reducing the levels of sugar in the blood. Diabetes is a much bigger problem and it affects a lot of different organs and systems. Only Naturopathy can help you control the other adverse effects of Diabetes. But make sure you always consult an expert and find out the perfectly balanced natural cure for Diabetes as per your body type. Nimba Nature Cure is one of the most popular wellness retreats in India. You can experience the best Naturopathy and Wellness Therapies under the supervision of the expert doctors at Nimba. Say goodbye to Diabetes, come to Nimba.