
Nimba Nature Cure Village


By: Nimba - August 6, 2021

An adult person is considered obese when their body mass index (BMI) is above 30. Being overweight should not be confused with being obese, there is a difference. A person is overweight when their BMI is 25 and above. Obesity has many causes, some of which are non-modifiable. But in a majority of obese people, it is the outcome of their own actions. Some of the causes like Physical inactivity, Sedentary lifestyle due to profession, Overeating with an unhealthy diet, Hormonal medication and Genetic factors

Obesity is like a fertile land where all the potential disorders can plant their roots and grow and develop. It also has a huge effect psychologically. Nowadays the young generation, as well as the older people, are very conscious about their aesthetic appearance. Some of the health hazards which can very easily develop in obese people are Insulin resistance, Hypertension, Diabetes type-2, High Cholesterol, Sleep apnea and many more.

There are many therapeutic procedures and metabolism-boosting habits which are imbued into a person when they visit an establishment like Nimba Nature Cure to improve their quality of health and life in general. Some of the therapies which prove much effective to combat obesity available at Nimba are Abhyangam, Udhvartan, Deep tissue massage, Pizhichil, Panchakarma, Colon Hydrotherapy, Vibro massage and Yoga. Along with these procedures, at Nimba, a pure and healthy diet is provided which is nourishing and promotes weight loss at the same time.