
Nimba Nature Cure Village


By: Nimba - August 6, 2021

Hypertension or elevated blood pressure is a serious medical condition that significantly increases the risks of other conditions like heart, brain, kidney, and other diseases.Every 1 out of 4 males and 1 out of 5 females have this condition.  Modifiable risk factors that can lead to a high BP are high stress levels, unhealthy food, lack of full sleep at night, sedentary life with no exercise whatsoever, and partaking in tobacco and cigarettes. Even excessive consumption of coffee for a long time can lead to a raised BP. Hypertension is a “silent killer”. 

There are natural procedures that can be used to treat people with hypertension stem from Ayurvedic and naturopathic origins. These treatments are best experienced in a holistic retreat where the environment is calm and healing. Some of the procedures which Nimba Nature Cure provides are the most advantageous for Hypertension.

Soft tissue manipulative therapy, Vibro massage, Potli massage, Abhyangam and Udhvartan-pressure. Other than these naturopathic and Ayurvedic therapies, yoga and meditation are also very effective to cope with hypertension.