Attain A Healthier Lifestyle At A Wellness Retreat


Attain A Healthier Lifestyle At A Wellness Retreat

By: - March 23, 2020

The atmosphere is filled with impurities that affect the food you eat and the air you breathe. Your immune system helps in defending yourself against these impurities. The occurrence of health issues at regular intervals indicates a weaker immune system. Your immunity needs to get boosted naturally and it can be done through making a few, determinant lifestyle and diet choices. Let wellness retreat help you and guide you towards strengthening your immune system.

Eat Healthy And Organic

Your first step towards wellness retreat is to follow a healthy diet plan. Food is the most important aspect towards your wellbeing and a healthy lifestyle. Add fruits and vegetables to your regular diet as they contain antioxidants and provide essential nutrients to your body. Foods like oranges, watermelons, pineapples, carrots, broccoli and other leafy green vegetables boost your immune system.

Maintain Cleanliness

Keep yourselves and your surroundings clean. Wash your hands with soap and clean water regularly. Maintain the habit of cleanliness to avoid the outer impurities entering your body.

Stop Smoking

Curb your habits of smoking and drinking. Excessive smoking and drinking can have adverse effects on your immune system and can make you sick more often. Avoid passive-smoking too as it is equally harmful for your immunity.

Get Enough Sleep

You need to sleep for about 7-8 hours a night for your immune system to function well. Moreover, you’ll need to maintain a regular sleep cycle for a healthy immune system. Having a good sleep cycle is an important step towards a healthy life.

Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly is very important for your good health. Even running, cycling and playing different sports can be helpful to keep you fit. Practicing Yoga every day is a great way to boost your blood circulation and attain a healthy immune system.

De-Stress Yourself

Relax and take a break for a while from your hectic life. Socialize more often, spend time with your loved ones or your pet to decrease the amount of stress. Meditation can be the most effective way to attain peace. Decrease in stress becomes helpful in improving your immune system.

Wellness begins with your well-being and your body’s ability to defend against the illness. Try Nimba Nature Cure, a perfect Wellness Retreat that offers naturopathy treatments to help you boost your immune system. Nimba provides various diet and detoxification therapies. It also offers yoga and meditation therapies in the proximity of nature to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle.

3 Things You Need To Start Right Now To Focus On Your Wellbeing


3 Things You Need To Start Right Now To Focus On Your Wellbeing

By: - October 24, 2019

We are responsible for our own well-being. Our holistic well-being is an amalgamation of our thoughts, habits and actions. It is important to cultivate practices that would help fuel our inner motivation towards a healthy lifestyle. Naturopathy, more than anything is a panacea and affects us positively, internally and externally.

Naturopathy empowers and educates us to adapt to a healthy lifestyle. A lot of situations don’t need allopathy or serious medical attention, but just some closeness to nature. Naturopathy treatment are highly personalized and caters to the needs of an individual’s requirements.

Celebrate serenity by indulging in self-care habits and practicing natural ways to reduce stress and anxiety. Here are a few ways to attain inner peace:


1. Replenish your soul with yoga and meditation:

Yoga and meditation have surprisingly positive benefits on the mind and body. They are the key to attain equilibrium between the body systems and nature. With our busy and stressful lifestyle, we tend to weigh down and ignore our mental health; in such situations meditation acts as a saviour and helps us reduce stress, control anxiety, and improve our overall lifestyle.

Nimba Nature Cure is one of the best yoga and meditation centres in India offering a holistic rejuvenation of the mind, body and soul.


2. Invest in your physical fitness

Regular exercising is equally important when it comes to maintaining holistic wellness.

Physiotherapy ensures overall physical well-being of a person by using non-surgical methods of treatments. These patient centric treatments address the physical health of a person. Any ageing or work related injuries can be resolved with the help of physiotherapy.

Nimba Nature Cure offers physiotherapy with the latest equipment. Moreover, there are special therapies offered by Nimba Nature Cure which can help you attain maximum health.


3. Surround yourself with nature

Nature has surprising powers, often disregarded. Nature helps us feel better emotionally as well as supports our physical well being, by controlling heart rate, blood pressure and stress hormones. If you are at workplace, which is a closed space, it is a good idea to have a small plant on your desk. This can reduce your stress and anxiety significantly. Moreover, nature promotes positive moods and our affects our psychological well-being.

Your physical and mental health is important. With our occupied lifestyle, we conveniently avoid focusing on our well-being. Nimba Nature Cure gives you an opportunity to focus on yourself and attain tranquility.




Don’t Crack Under Pressure


Don’t Crack Under Pressure

By: - October 4, 2019

Every individual in this world is surrounded by some sort of stress in their life, it could either be personal or professional, or both. It’s important to learn to deal with it or else it can have a devastating effect on an individual’s mind and body.

In the article ahead, we’ll talk about work-related stress, its causes and effects. We will also talk about how you can deal with it. 

Why does work-related stress happen?

  • Pressure to meet deadlines
  • Long working hours
  • Dangerous working conditions
  • An unhappy job
  • Unsatisfactory pay

What are the effects of work-related stress?

  • Hypertension
  • Depression
  • Obesity
  • Disturbed circadian rhythm (body clock) 
  • Unhealthy eating habits like binge eating or eating at irregular periods
  • Getting addicted to cigarettes or alcohol, or both 
  • Lack of regular exercise
  • Cardiovascular diseases 
  • Poor mental health

How to deal with work-related stress? 

Take short breaks between working hours

Avoid sitting at the same desk for long number of hours. Take 2-3 minutes breaks in-between, hydrate yourself and come to your desk again. It helps to increase productivity and reduces stress levels. 

Begin your day with meditation

Follow meditation and breathing exercise routine every morning to gain better concentration and melt away stress. This keeps you active throughout the day and helps to deal with work pressure.

Recharge yourself with a wellness vacation

Take a vacation for a few days and visit a wellness centre for naturopathy treatment. It acts as a stress buster and further reduces the chances of various diseases that occur due to stress. Naturopathy treatment involves different treatments and therapies like Udhvartan, Shirodhara, Panchakarma therapy, yoga and meditation practice, etc. that can help with mental and physical rejuvenation. 

Be part of a corporate wellness programme

Join a corporate wellness programme. It takes care of your physical and mental well-being by reducing your stress and increasing your productivity at workplace. It also helps improve job satisfaction and develops a positive attitude.

One of India’s best naturopathy centres, Nimba Nature Cure, provides you with ample opportunities to help you reduce your stress. Eliminate your stress away with Nimba’s wellness package. Take a short vacation and visit Nimba for a few days to experience utmost pleasure and relief in the lap of nature. Our expert healers and excellent staff are known for delivering an uncompromising quality of various naturopathy treatments and therapies like ayurveda, naturopathy, yoga and meditation, and physiotherapy. We also take care of your diet and nutrition. Along with that, we also offer a customised corporate wellness program, specially curated for employees to help them deal with work related stress.


You cannot avoid stress, it is a part of life. However, you can include various naturopathy treatments and therapies offered by Nimba Nature Cure to reduce the amount of stress in your body and mind.

Self Care For Good Health


Self Care For Good Health

By: - September 10, 2019

Self Care – What It Is And Why Is It Important?

Self-care is a conscious action taken by a human for the well being of their mind, body and soul.

Safeguarding your well being is in your hands. A human being cannot function efficiently without a healthy mind, body or spirit. Sometimes because of an unhealthy lifestyle or sometimes because of the constant juggle to balance family time and working hours, people tend to forget their health. Your ill health doesn’t only affect you but it also affects your family, social life and professional life. Therefore, it is important to take care of yourself and keep yourself healthy.


Lifestyle Diseases – They Are Affecting You

We often don’t realise how our day to day habits affect our lifestyle. Such habits make our lifestyle unhealthy, later giving birth to lifestyle diseases. Now what do we mean by an unhealthy lifestyle? 

Unhealthy eating habits like immense consumption of sweets, desserts and junk food leads to lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity, chronic heart diseases, etc. Excessive consumption of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs lead to skin diseases, psychological disorders and several other mental illnesses. Sometimes due to work pressure or unhealthy habits, the sleep-wake cycle is disturbed. This creates an imbalance in the biological processes of the human body, as a result of which the human body suffers from lifestyle diseases.
When laziness and unhealthy habits come together to control the lifestyle of a human being, such diseases take birth in the human body.


How To Self Care?

  • Diabetes- Can it be treated?

Till now, no diabetes cure is there in the medical world. However, the effect of diabetes can be remitted by bringing the sugar level down. Naturopathy treatment for diabetes includes hydrotherapy and various ayurvedic medicines that can help to bring the sugar level down. A strict diet with no sugar and naturopathic remedies are potent natural remedies for diabetes.


  • Obesity- Is there a treatment for it?

Excessive fat accumulation in the body gives birth to various other physical and psychological disorders. Naturopathy treatment for obesity is fruitful in order to reduce excess fat layers from the body. Naturopathy treatment for obesity includes weight loss treatment like abhyangam, udhvartan, deep tissue massage, etc. Along with obesity natural treatment, a healthy diet, some herbal remedies and exercise can help you reduce that excess fat from your body.


  • Psychological disorders- How to treat them?

Depression, anxiety and hypertension can lead to mental stress and trauma. Poor nutrition, addiction of toxic substances like alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, excessive work pressure, etc. can lead to such disorders. It can be treated with naturopathic treatments like mediation, raga therapy, etc.


Nimba- One-stop destination to remit lifestyle diseases

We have talked about self-care and lifestyle diseases above and suggested some natural ways to cure or remit their effect on the human lifestyle.

Nimba Nature Cure has some most of the renowned and experienced experts that deliver the best naturopathy treatments that could help you enjoy the benefit of a healthier lifestyle without any side effects. Nimba understands the importance of self-care and therefore they deliver the best naturopathy treatment and therapies to their customers. The therapies and treatments are customised as per individual body so that every customer receives the most appropriate and effective treatment.

A Wellness Program For Healthy Organization

Corporate Wellness Program-nimba-nature-cure

A Wellness Program For Healthy Organization

By: - August 23, 2019

Employees are invaluable assets to the organization. Their wellbeing is important in order to produce efficient results for the organization. The employers need to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle for employees. The employer would avail benefits like fewer sick leaves and a lower health insurance cost. Technology has made human life simpler but loaded it with a lot of stress and burden. The long hours of a desk job, the pressure to meet deadlines and overtime develops physical and mental exhaustion in the employees. A wellness program that addresses the concerns related to employee health is important. The office environment should be a healthy workplace with a healthy workforce.

How healthy are your employees?

The employees may look fit from outside but no one can really tell what is happening to their mental and physical health. The employees are prone to health issues such as high cholesterol, cardiovascular problems, obesity, high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, diabetes, etc. They occur because of long sitting hours, lack of adequate exercise, unhealthy eating habits, stress, consumption of cigarettes and alcohol, etc.

So what can be done?

A corporate wellness program can be the solution to all the mental and physical issues mentioned above. It will ensure that your employees remain fit and fine and work productively and efficiently throughout the day.

What benefits does a corporate wellness package provide?

The results of a corporate wellness program would be visible in the overall performance of the employees. The health and happiness of the employees measure the success of an organization. A corporate wellness package would gift the following benefits to employees:

  • Higher efficiency at workplace.
  • A better performance
  • A happy and lively attitude
  • Increased morale
  • Higher job satisfaction
  • Better management skills to handle stress
  • A healthy immune system
  • Fewer sick leaves
  • Better contribution to discussions
  • Reduced conflicts at the workplace
  • Improved employee recruitment and retention
  • Builds good fellowship among workers

How is Nimba as a corporate wellness centre?

Nimba has a corporate wellness centre that facilitates your employees’ personal and professional growth. It helps the employees in the following ways:

  • Suggests physical activity
  • Meditation, aerobics and yoga
  • Holistic therapies
  • Sessions and activities on stress management
  • Self-assessment and recreational activities
  • Back-care programs, etc.

All of these create a healthy lifestyle for employees. The employees would feel much more rejuvenated and calm after being a part of its wellness program.