Swine flu (h1n1 flu) – Symptoms and Prevention

Symptoms & Prevention of Swine flu (h1n1 flu)

Swine flu (h1n1 flu) – Symptoms and Prevention

By: - October 14, 2016

Swine flu (swine influenza) is a respiratory disease caused by viruses (influenza viruses) that infect the respiratory tract of pigs, resulting in nasal secretions, a barking cough, decreased appetite, and listless behavior. Swine flu produces most of the same symptoms in pigs as human flu produces in people. Swine flu can last about one to two weeks in pigs that survive. Swine influenza virus was first isolated from pigs in 1930 in the U.S. and has been recognized by pork producers and veterinarians to cause infections in pigs worldwide. In a number of instances, people have developed the swine flu infection when they are closely associated with pigs (for example, farmers, pork processors), and likewise, pig populations have occasionally been infected with the human flu infection. In most instances, the cross-species infections (swine virus to man; human flu virus to pigs) have remained in local areas and have not caused national or worldwide infections in either pigs or humans. Unfortunately, this cross-species situation with influenza viruses has had the potential to change. Investigators decided the 2009 so-called “swine flu” strain, first seen in Mexico, should be termed novel H1N1 flu since it was mainly found infecting people and exhibits two main surface antigens, H1 (hemagglutinin type 1) and N1 (neuraminidase type1). The eight RNA strands from novel H1N1 flu have one strand derived from human flu strains, two from avian (bird) strains, and five from swine strains.


Swine Flu Symptoms

People who have swine flu can be contagious one day before they have any symptoms, and as many as 7 days after they get sick. Kids can be contagious for as long as 10 days.

Most symptoms are the same as seasonal flu. They can include:

Like seasonal flu, swine flu can lead to more serious complications, including pneumonia and respiratory failure. And it can make conditions like diabetes or asthma worse. If you have symptoms like shortness of breath, severe vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, or confusion, call your doctor right away.


Prevention of Swine Flu

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends flu vaccination for all people older than 6 months of age. An H1N1 virus is one component of the seasonal flu shot for 2013-2014. The flu shot also protects against two or three other influenza viruses that are expected to be the most common during the 2013-2014 flu season.
The vaccine will be available as an injection or a nasal spray. The nasal spray is approved for use in healthy people 2 through 49 years of age who are not pregnant.

These measures also help prevent swine flu (H1N1 flu) and limit its spread:


Tests for Swine Flu

It’s hard to tell whether you have swine flu or seasonal flu, because most symptoms are the same. People with swine flu may be more likely to feel nauseous and throw up than people who have seasonal flu. But a lab test is the only way to know for sure. Even a rapid flu test you can get in your doctor’s office won’t tell you for sure.

Naturopathic Migraine Treatment

Naturopathic Migraine Treatment

Naturopathic Migraine Treatment

By: - October 7, 2016


Migraine headaches are caused by excessive dilation of the cerebral blood vessels, though scientists do not fully understand what causes the dilation in the first place. Blood vessels don’t just dilate spontaneously—they are presumably responding to chemical changes that are occurring in the body. A Naturopathic physician or holistic medical doctor will want to take a complete medical, family, menstrual, and diet history before considering the cause of migraine. Some of the illnesses to be ruled out are bowel problems, mold allergies, vitamin deficiencies, hypertension, TMJ misalignment, food allergies or intolerances, dehydration, spinal subluxations, coffee/caffeine intoxication, and aspartame (Nutrasweet, Equal) toxicity among others. All of these problems can cause migraine symptoms and usually can be treated very easily without the use of drugs. Paradoxical as it may seem, a surprising percentage of migraine headaches may be caused by migraine medication. The “rebound effect” of analgesic and ergotomine compounds has been implicated as a contributing factor for sufferers of daily headaches. Discuss this phenomenon with your prescribing doctor if you are taking more than 30 analgesic tablets a month or if you regularly use ergotamine derivatives. Withdrawal from these products can temporarily make headaches worse, but eliminating these products altogether may ultimately mean no more headaches —ever.


How & What You Eat Can Cause Migraines?

When exploring the causes of headaches, the easiest place to start is diet. Food reactions are a significant contributor to headaches and some improvement in symptoms, if not complete remission, can always be achieved by eliminating problematic dietary items. The elimination/challenge trial described below is a good way to identify food reactions that may be causing your headaches.

Foods that most commonly induce migraines:

Foods like cheese, beer, and wine induce migraines in some people because they contain histamines and/or vasoactive compounds that cause blood vessels to expand. Women tend to react to histamine-containing foods more frequently than men do, on account of a deficiency in an enzyme (diamine oxidase) that breaks histamine down. Taking supplemental B6 may be helpful in these situations, as it can increase diamine oxidase activity.Nitrites, which are common ingredients in lunch meats and smoked/cured meats, dilate blood vessels, and may trigger migraine.


Nutritional Supplements for the Relief of Migraines

Wobenzyme: 5 tablets 3 times a day between meals; or, if this dose causes loose stools, 3 tablets 5 times a day
Magnesium citrate: 250mg to 500mg 3 times a day with meals
Vitamin B6: 25mg 3 times a day with meals; vitamin B6 supports the enzymatic breakdown of histamine.
5-HTP (5- Hydroxytryptophan): 100mg to 200mg 3 times a day; 5-HTP increases seritonin and endorphin levels in the brain and has been shown to be as effective as commonly used migraine drugs and with none of the side effects.


Physical Medicine for Migraines

Naturopathy Treatment For Weight Loss & Obesity

Naturopathy Treatment for Obesity

Naturopathy Treatment For Weight Loss & Obesity

By: - October 2, 2016


Naturopathy treatment for weight loss is an interesting topic. The global figure is changing. Being overweight is primarily an issue of health. Excess weight in terms of complementary medicine is seen as an excess condition of toxicity that needs to be eliminated. Did you know that central obesity is as much linked to cardiovascular disease as cigarette smoking?

However there is no ad campaign telling us that fast food will lead to gangrene, although it can. Obesity is associated with complications in pregnancy, heart disease, late onset diabetes and certain cancers, in particular those related to oestrogen and the gastrointestinal tract.

People often have an excuse as to why they are overweight. Age, menopause, slow metabolism, child bearing, convenience and big bones, are some excuses people use. From a naturopathic perspective, there are legitimate reasons why people may gain weight that can be identified and addressed.

Why only Diets Don’t Work

Effective Weight Loss Measures

Naturopathic Causes Weight Gain and Obesity

Naturopathic Treatment of Obesity-Weight Loss :- Principles

Naturopathy considers obesity to be less about diet and more about correcting underlying imbalance through lifestyle change that requires a plan of care that supports long-term sustainable health optimization.The Naturopathic Treatment of Obesity-Weight Loss works on six Principles of Naturopathy.


Naturopathic practice is oriented to facilitate patient self-healing and use the clinical encounter as an opportunity to inspire and guide patients to develop a healthier lifestyle. Treatment of obesity is a frequent focus of Naturopathy practice. While single therapeutic agents undergone testing in research trials, to date there has been no whole-system study that supports the effectiveness of naturopathic medicine for obesity. Yet, the naturopathic philosophy of the healing, including the focus on treating the whole person and preventative care suggest that it is ideally suited for the treatment and prevention of obesity.

Food for Boosting Immune System

Immunity Boosting Food

Food for Boosting Immune System

By: - September 30, 2016


Food for Boosting Immune System plays a vital role in every human’s life. In the current scenario, we find lots of Food for Boosting Immune System products available in the market. Here are a few, which will keep you and your body fit, without any processed Food for Boosting Immune System.

Wheat Germ – Wheat germ or wheatgerm is a concentrated source of several essential nutrients including Vitamin E, folate (folic acid), phosphorus, thiamin, zinc, and magnesium. It is a good source of fiber.

Garlic – Garlic contains several nutrients in rich amounts (> 20% DV), including vitamins B6 and C, and the dietary mineral, manganese (right table).

Broccoli – Broccoli is full of Nutrition like Vitamin C and Dietary Fiber. The Diindolylmethane found in broccoli is a potent modulator of the innate immune response system with anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-cancer activity. Broccoli also contains the compound glucoraphanin, which can be processed into an anti-cancer compound sulforaphane, though the anti-cancer benefits of broccoli are greatly reduced if the vegetable is boiled.

Oysters – Oysters are one of the Excellent resources of Zinc, Iron, Calcium, and Selenium including Vitamin A and Vitamin B12.

Elderberry – studies demonstrate that elderberry may have a measurable effect in treating the flu, alleviating allergies, and boosting overall respiratory health.

Watermelon – Watermelons are mostly water — about 92 percent — but this refreshing fruit is soaked with nutrients. Each juicy bite has significant levels of vitamins A, B6, and C, lots of lycopene, antioxidants, and amino acids. There’s even a modest amount of potassium. Plus, this quintessential summer snack is fat-free, very low in sodium, and has only 40 calories per cup.

Wheat Grass Juice – A Miracle Medicine

Wheat Grass Juice

Wheat Grass Juice – A Miracle Medicine

By: - September 21, 2016

The Wheat grass Juice – A Miracle Medicine. The chief constituent of wheat grass is chlorophyll which contains “concentrated sun power”. Chlorophyll increases the function of the heart, affects the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus and the lungs. It is a rich source of vitamin A, B, C and contains minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, sulfur, cobalt and zinc. It purifies the blood due to its high vitamin and mineral contents and its properties are used to cleanse and rebuild it.


Skin Diseases

Chlorophyll arrests growth and development of harmful bacteria. Wheat grass therapy can thus be effectively used for skin diseases and ulcerated wounds. By retarding bacterial action, it promotes cell activity and normal growth. Regular drinking of wheat grass juice creates an unfavorable environment for bacterial growth.


Digestive System Disorders

Wheat grass juice used as an enema helps detoxify the walls of the colon. The general procedure is to give an enema with lukewarm water. After waiting for 20 minutes, an enema of wheat grass juice is given of about 100 to 125 ml and it should be retained for 15 minutes. This enema is very helpful in disorders of the colon, mucus and ulcerative colitis, chronic constipation and bleeding piles.


Circulatory Disorders

The chlorophyll content present in wheat grass enhances the heart and lung functions. Capillary activity also increases, while toxemia is reduced. Iron content in the blood increases the hemoglobin, and the lungs function better. Oxygenation improves and the effect of carbon dioxide is minimized. Wheat grass juice is thus highly beneficial in the treatment of circulatory disorders.


Other Diseases

Several other diseases can be treated successfully by regular drinking of Wheat grass juice. These include premature greying and falling of hair, debility, abdomen pain, constipation, tooth disorders, arthritis, psoriasis, general weakness, kidney stones, weak eyesight, asthma, and insomnia.


How To Grow & Use Wheat Grass

Wheat grass can be grown in any sheltered place and where the temperature is mild. The direct rays of the sun have a tendency to sap the strength from the grass.

For growing wheat grass, a good variety of wheat should be soaked for 8 to 10 hours. The water should then be drained and these grains should be allowed to sprout for 15 hours. Earthen pots or wooden trays can be used to grow the wheat grass. They should be filled with compost manure and the wheat sprouts should be spread. They should be sprinkled with water once or twice a day and allowed to stay as such for six to seven days until the grass grows five to seven inches high. The grass can be cut with a scissors. It should be immediately washed and ground. Thereafter, the juice of the ground pulp should be extracted through a fine piece of cloth. The juice so extracted should be taken immediately, as its efficacy reduces every minute and the medicinal value is completely lost after three hours.

Author:- Dr Braj Bhushan, Resident Medical Officer, NIMBA Natue Cure Village

Detox Therapy: Detox your Body with Natural Ways

Detoxification Treatment

Detox Therapy: Detox your Body with Natural Ways

By: - September 1, 2016

Detoxification is a process to eliminate all the harmful toxins accumulated inside the Body. In Naturopathy, it refers to eliminating substances like alcohol, drugs and metabolic wastes.


At Gujrat’s largest Nature Cure centre – Nimba Nature Cure Village, a Detox session may involve yoga, meditation, reflexology, sujok and relaxation therapies to cleanse and energize system. Other more specialized Detox methods include; acupuncture, sauna, Detox massage, colon hydrotherapy, ion Detox therapy, etc.


Signs of Toxemia


When toxins are retained and stored in the Body the condition is called toxemia.


Best Natural Ways to Detox your Body with Detox Therapy

Colon Hydrotherapy


The colon is considered as the root of many illnesses and conditions, and therefore a total cleanse through colon hydrotherapy is highly recommended.
*Colon Hydrotherapy: Read the next article for details.


Detox Diet & Fasting


A diet of natural juices (made from fruits and vegetables) has best cleansing and regenerating effect of flushing the toxins out of the Body. At NIMBA, we serve a variety of delicious soups and salads for this purpose.
Fasting either alone with water, or a natural juice, is another powerful Detox technique but, should be undertaken only under supervision in a Nature Cure centre for therapeutic benefits.


Yoga & Exercise


Exercise improves the metabolic rate, stimulates sweating and aid up detoxification. Also, rigorous exercising may lead to increased production of metabolic wastes in the Body, hence should always be accompanied with intake of adequate amount fluids for proper excretion.


Detox massage


Gentle and rhythmic pressure is applied during a Detox Massage to aid the process of elimination of toxins. It simulates Body functions promoting a more relaxed feeling, dissolving worries, tensions and mental stresses. This helps in reducing pain and swelling too.


Mud therapy


Mud applied to the whole Body or a part of it, is a great tonic and Detox agent. It removes the excess heat created by the fermentation of accumulated toxins. It is useful in maintaining skin tone and contour.


Sun Bath


Exposing our Body to the sun rays helps the skin in manufacturing the vitamin D that is needed to allow it Detox. Early morning or the late noon is the preferred timing for a therapy session.


FIR Detox therapy


Far infra Rays are invisible to the human eye, but are deep penetrating and beneficial to the human Body. It activates the water molecules present in the human blood, increasing the blood flow and the oxygen absorption rate. Detoxification occurs in the form of sweat.


Ion Detox


A recent development in drugless healing system, Detox foot baths are used to draw the toxins from the Body into the water, evidenced by the change in the color of water.


Emotional Detox


After a Detox

Post a session, most of the guests share common positive experiences such as: a feeling of lightness, rejuvenation, mental freshness, clear skin, relief from heaviness & tiredness.


Benefits of Detox Therapy


Author: Dr. Braj Bhushan Kumar (Resident Medical Officer, Nimba Nature Cure Village)


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