Food for Boosting Immune System

Immunity Boosting Food

Food for Boosting Immune System

By: - September 30, 2016


Food for Boosting Immune System plays a vital role in every human’s life. In the current scenario, we find lots of Food for Boosting Immune System products available in the market. Here are a few, which will keep you and your body fit, without any processed Food for Boosting Immune System.

Wheat Germ – Wheat germ or wheatgerm is a concentrated source of several essential nutrients including Vitamin E, folate (folic acid), phosphorus, thiamin, zinc, and magnesium. It is a good source of fiber.

Garlic – Garlic contains several nutrients in rich amounts (> 20% DV), including vitamins B6 and C, and the dietary mineral, manganese (right table).

Broccoli – Broccoli is full of Nutrition like Vitamin C and Dietary Fiber. The Diindolylmethane found in broccoli is a potent modulator of the innate immune response system with anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-cancer activity. Broccoli also contains the compound glucoraphanin, which can be processed into an anti-cancer compound sulforaphane, though the anti-cancer benefits of broccoli are greatly reduced if the vegetable is boiled.

Oysters – Oysters are one of the Excellent resources of Zinc, Iron, Calcium, and Selenium including Vitamin A and Vitamin B12.

Elderberry – studies demonstrate that elderberry may have a measurable effect in treating the flu, alleviating allergies, and boosting overall respiratory health.

Watermelon – Watermelons are mostly water — about 92 percent — but this refreshing fruit is soaked with nutrients. Each juicy bite has significant levels of vitamins A, B6, and C, lots of lycopene, antioxidants, and amino acids. There’s even a modest amount of potassium. Plus, this quintessential summer snack is fat-free, very low in sodium, and has only 40 calories per cup.