The Surprising Benefits of Mud Therapy

benifits of mud therapy

The Surprising Benefits of Mud Therapy

By: Nimba - August 17, 2022

Have You Ever Tried Mud Therapy?

Sometimes, nature is the best way to resolve any problem or disease as it holds strong power to fix the problem from the root. It doesn’t carry any kind of side effects that medications often leave behind. The earth is rich in various kinds of nutrients and minerals that help to heal our bodies holistically and enable a better lifestyle. Mud therapy is one of those pleasing cures which you can use to solve different kinds of body and mental issues. Many wellness retreats in India are offering mud therapy services. Nimba Nature Cure Centre also offers Mud Therapy Sessions and provides the best chance for you to heal with the power of nature. Mud Therapy is gaining popularity slowly and helps you in many different ways, from getting rid of rashes to improving skin.

How does it work?

As per the belief of Ayurveda, our body is made up of five vital elements, i.e., ether, fire, air, earth, and water. Earth or mud clay holds the ability to heal the body from both the outside and inside and also correct any imbalance. It contains a lot of essential minerals that help in filtering toxins from the body. Since mud has so many health benefits, it has been introduced as a therapy to cure ailments and deal with chronic health problems. Visit Nimba Nature Cure Center to get relaxation sessions and to get rid of toxins and stress.


Also read: Nurture Your Body And Mind Through Mud Therapy

The Surprising Benefits of Mud Therapy

Health Benefits of Mud Therapy

Improves digestion

Mud has a strong power to dilute and absorb bad toxins from your body that can make you sick. Mud Therapy also helps in reducing weight as it detoxifies you naturally and speeds up the metabolism. A layer of mud around your stomach can help in improving the overall digestion system of your body. This is because when a mud pack is applied to your body, it reduces constipation, gas, and stomach aches. It regulates the muscular movements of your gastrointestinal tract and decreases intestinal heat.

Combat a fever and a headache

Fever and headaches can make it difficult for you to concentrate on your work. Mud therapy can help to reduce it. You can apply a mud pack around the abdomen area as it fights against excessive heat and cools down the body. Mud Therapy also helps to get relief from heat strokes and doesn’t have any kind of side effects that medications usually have. Nimba Nature Cure is one of the well-known wellness retreats located in Ahmedabad, India. We offer the best Ayurveda and naturopathy therapies and Mud Therapy is one of those.

Good skin

The biggest benefit of using mud therapy is that it soothes and hydrates the skin naturally. As per Ayurvedic belief, mud therapy controls the bad effects of pita and clears the toxins away from your skin. At the same time, it detoxifies the skin from every kind of impurity, making your skin smoother and softer for a long period. This also protects and purifies your skin from pollution.

Good for Eyes

Mud therapy and mud packs give relaxation to your eyes. It is also helpful in curing eye diseases like a stye, glaucoma, hemorrhage, and conjunctions. Mud therapies are also good for those who sit in front of a laptop or computer for long hours. It is believed that walking barefoot in mud or applying mud packs enables good eye health and relaxation. If you are also looking to have a good relaxation session of mud therapy, then you must visit Nimba Nature Cure Centre.

Stress management

Mud Therapy has been prescribed by naturopaths and alternative Ayurveda experts to deal with some kinds of alternative issues such as stress and nervousness. Since it is cool, it helps in dealing with sleeping disorders, anxiety, stress, headaches, tension, sciatica, and many more. Furthermore, mud therapy clears away bad toxins and blocks tense pathways around the brain, thus helping with stress management. Nimba Nature Cure provides a variety of stress management therapies, including mud therapy, raga therapy, Shirodhara therapy, and acupuncture.


Also read: Amazing Benefits Of Mud Therapy (You Must Know)


Nimba Nature Cure is a well-known yoga and wellness retreat center. We offer different kinds of naturopathy and Ayurveda therapies as well. Our specialists are well experienced and knowledgeable in this field. If you want to have a relaxation session and want to get rid of stress and anxiety, then you must visit Nimba. We would love to help you learn how nature can heal your difficulties and problems. 

Nurture your body and mind through Mud therapy !

Nimba Nature Cure Village

Nurture your body and mind through Mud therapy !

By: Nimba - March 3, 2021

Our body is made up of 5 basic elements and out of five one is earth. So things coming from earth is best combination with our body. Due to stressful lifestyle we hold so many toxins in our body which cause unhealthy body, mind and soul.

Mud – natural element coming from earth which can heal our body, mind and soul holistically and help us lead a better lifestyle. Mud therapy is Slowly gaining popularity globally to treat various health problems. Mud contains a lot of vital nutrients and minerals, essential for the body. It has been found to be effective in curing a wide variety of disorders, such as headache, skin problems, conjunctivitis, in digestion, glaucoma, anxiety, depression, insomnia etc.

There are different type of mud, each with their different therapeutic qualities and distinguishable by their color- black, brown, white, red etc use for different purpose.

How it works Mud therapy?

Mud has the power to absorb and dilute bad toxins from the body which might be making you sick. Applying mud packs around the affected area can cure the excess heat and cool down the body from the inside. Also helps to detoxify your body.

There are two types of mud therapy: –

1. Mud packs

  • Mud holds moisture and provide coolness for longer than other packs.
  • The cool moisture inside the mud relaxes the pores of the skin, draws the blood to the surface, relieves inner congestion, promotes heat radiation, and eliminates morbid matter.

2. Mud Bath

  • It is similar to a mud pack but applied to almost the entire portion of the body.
  • The mud bath is followed by a hot water shower and then a cold water shower.
  • The bath tones up the skin and reenergizes the skin tissues, by improving blood circulation, also known as a cleansing/detox bath.

Properties of mud are as follows:

  • Heat absorbing power
  • Holds moisturizer
  • Eliminate toxins from the body
  • Antimicrobial analgesic properties
  • Anti-aging
  • Anti-inflammation

Benefits of mud therapy:-

  1. Relieve headaches – The cooling property of mud relieves headaches immediately caused due to dehydration, spending long hours in the heat, excessive stress, inadequate sleep and diet, etc.
  1. Improve digestion – Mud eliminates toxins from the body and improves metabolism, also absorbs intestinal heat, and helps to cure constipation, gas, acidity, gurg, etc.
  1. Muscle sourness – Mud has anti-inflammatory property which helps to cure swelling /inflammation and relieves pain. Helps with Osteoarthritis, Periarthritis, Rheumatism, and Gout by reducing stiffness of the joints and restricted movements.
  1. Soft and radiant skin – The biggest benefit mud therapy has to offer is for the skin. Exposure to sun, stress, hormonal imbalance, inadequate sleep, unhealthy diet, etc can cause acne, blemishes, dark spots, tanning, early signs of aging, skin allergies, rashes, redness, etc. Mud eliminates the toxins from the skin and reduces of bad effects of Pita on the body. Mud therapy makes skin softer and more radiant.
  1. Soft and smooth Hair – Mud has the property to hold moisture for a longer period which helps to provide moisture and nourishment for your hair and improve hair health. Also helps to cleanse the scalp, increase blood circulation, reduce hair fall, and promote hair growth.
  1. Eye care – In a digital world, we spend time in front of the screen, which is stressful for our eyes. The application of mud around the eye area provides a cooling layer, reduces stress around the eyes, rejuvenates it, and promotes good eye health.
  1. Anxiety, depression – Soft mud can relax the muscles and soothe the mind, helping to improve sound sleep and calmness.

In short, mud formula improves the local circulation in the soft tissues under the skin, and reduces inflammation and pain in the muscles and joints (due to excess physical exercise, arthritis, or injury). It also balances Dosha in the body (vata, pita, kapha), which gives a refreshed and rejuvenated feeling for a prolonged period. Mud treatment makes you forget all your worries.

All About Detoxification And Its Effectiveness

detox therapy

All About Detoxification And Its Effectiveness

By: - June 11, 2019

What Is Detoxification?

Detoxification is what our bodies do naturally, without any particular diet or plan – to neutralize, transform, or get rid of toxins. Harmful substances are not just liquor and cigarettes, by the way! Sadly, they are everywhere and unavoidable as they are a normal part of our lifestyle. They can be in the products we use or the food we eat, they can be in the air we breathe or the water we drink. The list is endless and due to our ignorance, toxification occurs in the body.

Symptoms Of Toxification

The body has various ways to indicate toxification. When toxins are retained and stored in the Body the condition is called toxemia. Symptoms of detoxification include weight gain, dull skin, lackluster hair, decreased immunity, bad odor from the body or mouth, heaviness after meals, abnormal sleep patterns, Irritation, anxiety or depression, etc.

Nimba’s Natural Detoxification Therapies

Searching for the best detoxification therapy? Nimba’s naturopathy treatment has a number of ways that help your body detox naturally. Colon Hydrotherapy– The colon is considered the root of many illnesses and conditions, and therefore a total cleanse through colon hydrotherapy is highly recommended. Colon therapy is the cleansing of the colon (the major part of the large intestine) through the administration of water. It is one of the most recommended detoxification therapy.

Exercise As A Detoxification Therapy

Wondering if exercise works as a detoxification therapy? Exercise improves the metabolic rate, stimulates sweating, and aid up detoxification. For effective detoxification therapy, exercise, and yoga must always be accompanied by regular intakes of fluids to keep the body hydrated

Mud Therapy For Detox

Is mud therapy a good option for detoxification? As a part of detoxification therapy, mud is applied to the whole body or a part of it. It is a great tonic and detox agent. It removes the excess heat created by the fermentation of accumulated toxins. Mud therapy is a part of naturopathy treatments at Nimba.

Benefits Of A Detoxifying Massage

How effective is a detoxifying massage?  Gentle and rhythmic pressure is applied during a detox massage to aid the process of elimination of toxins. It stimulates body functions and makes one feel relaxed. It also aids in stress reduction.

How Does Detoxification Help Emotionally?

How does detoxification therapy help in emotional detox? After detoxification therapy, the body feels lighter and one feels fresher. It also improves the sleep patterns of the body and promotes Metabolism and digestion.

Try effective detoxification therapy at Nimba Nature Cure Village & for information contact us at [email protected] or call us at +91 81550 12274.

5 Amazing Benefits of Mud Therapy (You Must Know)

Benefits Mud Therapy- Nimba Naturopathy

5 Amazing Benefits of Mud Therapy (You Must Know)

By: - August 20, 2018

Mud therapy Our earth is made of so many minerals and compounds that are truly beneficial to our health. And it is not a recent discovery! All the cultures have their traditional and religious beliefs built around the application of clay from a certain region and hot water springs. Because they are rich in minerals!

Starting from the famous mud festivals of Korea to the mud bath in the Dead Sea, from Balneo Therapy to mud therapy treatment at a wellness retreat in India, the mud therapy benefits are now pretty well-known throughout the world. If you wish to experience the truly amazing healing power of therapy, you can visit Nimba Nature cure – one of the best Naturopathy centers in India.

As per the ancient scriptures of Ayurveda, our body is made of 5 basic elements of the Panch Mahabhoota namely, Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Ether. So, Earth or the clay holds that power to get inside the system and correct all the imbalances. In other words, therapy treatment at the best Naturopathy centre in India is your best chance to heal through the power of nature.

Mud Therapy Benefits:


Mud therapy treatment exerts so many good effects on different organs and body parts. It helps in treating chronic pain, constipation, inflammation, headaches, stress, and skin diseases, and it also helps a lot as detoxification therapy.

1. Skin Problems

Obviously, the biggest benefit mud therapy treatment exerts is on the skin. It creates a cooling effect on the skin and the blood and thereby helps in controlling the effects of Pitta. It removes the dead skin cells and makes the skin softer. Also, mud therapy is one of the best ways of detoxification because mud extracts out the harmful toxins stored up in the skin, through its pores.

2. Eye Problems

Mud therapy enhances the vision and makes the eye stress-free. Also, the application of mud on the eyes helps in countering so many eye problems such as eye infection, conjunctivitis, hemorrhage, glucoma, allergic reactions, and stye. Especially for the new generation which spends a lot of time in front of the screens, regular mud therapy can help in maintaining good health for eye.

3. Digestion Problems

Mud therapy helps in relaxing the digestive system and strengthening all the associated organs. Applying mud packs on the abdomen helps in so many digestion problems such as gas, acidity, constipation, and stomach ache. Also, the therapy helps in absorbing the intestinal heat boosting metabolism.

4. Stress and Headache

Applying mud therapy on the head is a really relaxing experience. It reduces stress, depression, anxiety and helps in getting a good night sleep. It is also sometimes prescribed by Naturopathy experts to deal with disorders of the nervous system such as Neuralgia, Sciatica, Epilepsy, Post-traumatic Paralysis, etc.

5. Joint and Muscle Problems

In conditions such as Arthritis, the intense pain and swelling around the affected area can be easily countered by therapy. Naturopathy experts also prescribe therapy for problems like Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, Periarthritis, Rheumatism, Gout, etc. It helps a lot in getting relief from stiffness of the joints and restricted movements.


Also read: The Surprising Benefits of Mud Therapy


The soil beneath our feet is so much powerful that it can heal some of the most irritating health problems. At Nimba Nature Cure, the winner of Today’s Traveller Award 2018 for the best Naturopathy center in India, you can experience the goodness of therapy. Come to Nimba, the only wellness retreat in India offering holistic healing amid the serenity of nature, lush green organic farms, and peace of mind.