Natural Ways To Manage Stress And Anxiety During COVID 19

Nimba nature care

Natural Ways To Manage Stress And Anxiety During COVID 19

By: - May 29, 2020

The covid19 pandemic is probably going to have a negative impact on mental wellness, worldwide, as billions of people are forced to isolate at home, which has been increasing the problem of anxiety. A recent survey in Britain showed a wide range of fears arising from the pandemic. As the symptoms of coronavirus are likely to continue for some time, even after the lockdown is eased, let us understand anxiety and panic attack, and the possible ways of overcoming them.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is the body’s natural reaction to stress. The feelings of fear and apprehension are derived from uncertainty.

It is normal to feel anxious when our safety, financial stability, health, or happiness is threatened. At times, anxiety can become overwhelming and disruptive as well, leading to anxiety disorder. Excessive and lasting bouts of fear may lead to serious anxiety problems.

Symptoms of anxiety disorders:

Anyone may experience these symptoms during stressful times. However, individuals with anxiety disorders may experience them in absence of evident stress, with more severe symptoms and/or with many symptoms appearing together.

  • Inability to relax or feeling restless
  • Unrealistic worry
  • Difficulty falling asleep or not sleeping enough
  • Rapid pulse or pounding, feeling of heartbeat or palpitation
  • Nausea, chest pain or pressure
  • Feeling a “lump in the throat”
  • Dry mouth
  • Irregular breathing, shallow breathing
  • Feelings of dread, apprehension or a loss of control
  • Trembling or shaking, sweating or chills
  • Fainting or dizziness, feelings of detachment
  • Suicidal thoughts

What is a panic attack?

A Panic attack is an abrupt surge of extreme fear and discomfort that peaks within minutes. Panic attacks can be caused by heredity, chemical imbalances, stress and the use of excessive stimulants (such as caffeine or drugs)

Here Are 7 Holistic Tips To Deal With Anxiety And Panic Attacks:


  1. Be realistic- First of all, be in the present and in a conscious state. Try to understand what is really happening around right now, rather than what you imagine might happen.
  2. Stay active- Being at home, most people spend their time sedentarily, consumed in gadgets, online games, sitting ideal etc., which affects our health negatively. Consider spending your time doing various activities and regular exercise or Yoga at least for one hour daily, which addresses anxiety and stress.
  3. Avoid caffeine- Caffeine is a stimulant. Caffeine stimulates our “fight or flight” response. Research studies have shown that this can make anxiety worse and can even trigger a panic attack.
  4. Say bye to alcohol- Alcohol is a natural sedative. After drinking alcohol, we feel calm and relaxed. However, once the boozing is over, anxiety will come back with a requital.
  5. Quality of sleep at night- Your phone, tablet, and TV emit light that keeps your brain awake, hence, try to limit them an hour before bedtime. Whether you sleep 5 hours or eight hours, it does not matter; what matters is quality of your sleep and how relaxed you feel after that. Relaxing in proper Savaasana [corpse pose] calms the brain and helps relieve stress and lower the blood pressure.
  6. Breathing- Focus on your breathing when you feel any symptoms of anxiety listed above. Mindful deep breathing in open or fresh air will give immediate results, helping your mind relax.
  7. Meditation- Meditation is known for relieving stress and anxiety. The prime intention of meditation is to get rid of your mind and from negative thoughts, thereby replacing them with a sense of peacefulness. Research studies suggest that 30 minutes of daily meditation may evade some anxiety symptoms and act as an antidepressant.

Reschedule Your Post Lockdown Plans

post lockdown plan

Reschedule Your Post Lockdown Plans

By: - April 10, 2020

How many of you already made your post lockdown plan? We all are super excited to hit the streets once the lockdown is over. Probably we are making plans to roam the entire city and hog on all the junk we missed while we were quarantined. Well, it’s fair only as we are super exhausted with the household chores we have to do, be it cleaning, dusting, cooking, and everything we can think of. It’s obvious to feel a pinch of excitement post lockdown period. 

One Stagnation, Multiple Revelations

However, let’s take some time and think about how well we have managed everything these 21 days. There are a lot of revelations about our approach towards our life. 

We probably never considered ourselves capable enough of managing the whole house without any maids, servants or helpers. A lot of us have entered the kitchen and are experimenting with food. We are trying to make tasty dishes at home, with all healthy ingredients, well, not all, but mostly healthy. 

Moreover, we are trying to inculcate a better work life balance. For a long time, our children, spouse, and grandparents have been demanding time and efforts, but due to work pressure, we weren’t able to balance everything. Here, we again have been given an opportunity to spend some good time with our loved ones. 

Hence, even though the lockdown has been annoying to us by diverting us from the routine, it is also doing us a favor by giving us some time for ourselves and our family.

The Test

But what about the post lockdown plan? As mentioned above, we all will be eagerly awaiting to rush on the streets and consume everything we missed. Suddenly, we will forget this quality time we had spent on our physical, mental, and spiritual growth and wellbeing. All these days we have been eating home cooked healthy food, and enhancing our immunity. Well, it wouldn’t be fair to ourselves if we got back to our not so healthy routine again.

Let’s take this as our exam. All these 21 days we have been preparing well for our upcoming exam. Post these 21 days, our test begins. The test contains the following questions: 

  1. Are we still eating home cooked healthy food? 
  2. Are we exercising and keeping track of our physical fitness? 
  3. Have we continued building and enhancing our immune system? 
  4. Has the work life balance continued, or has work taken over again? 
  5. How’s our overall well being? 

Amidst the post pandemic happiness and chaos, when everyone is on the streets, do yourself a favor and take a detour to Try Nimba Nature Cure. You’ve been isolated from not only people, but from nature as well. Sitting at home all day, away from nature, eventually harms us. This is the perfect opportunity to invest in your already growing health and immunity. We all have started appreciating our health and wellbeing during this pandemic. Do not harm it by getting back to the toxicity. Nimba Nature Cure is the perfect wellness centre for you to appreciate, acknowledge and enhance your wellness.