Don’t Crack Under Pressure


Don’t Crack Under Pressure

By: - October 4, 2019

Every individual in this world is surrounded by some sort of stress in their life, it could either be personal or professional, or both. It’s important to learn to deal with it or else it can have a devastating effect on an individual’s mind and body.

In the article ahead, we’ll talk about work-related stress, its causes and effects. We will also talk about how you can deal with it. 

Why does work-related stress happen?

  • Pressure to meet deadlines
  • Long working hours
  • Dangerous working conditions
  • An unhappy job
  • Unsatisfactory pay

What are the effects of work-related stress?

  • Hypertension
  • Depression
  • Obesity
  • Disturbed circadian rhythm (body clock) 
  • Unhealthy eating habits like binge eating or eating at irregular periods
  • Getting addicted to cigarettes or alcohol, or both 
  • Lack of regular exercise
  • Cardiovascular diseases 
  • Poor mental health

How to deal with work-related stress? 

Take short breaks between working hours

Avoid sitting at the same desk for long number of hours. Take 2-3 minutes breaks in-between, hydrate yourself and come to your desk again. It helps to increase productivity and reduces stress levels. 

Begin your day with meditation

Follow meditation and breathing exercise routine every morning to gain better concentration and melt away stress. This keeps you active throughout the day and helps to deal with work pressure.

Recharge yourself with a wellness vacation

Take a vacation for a few days and visit a wellness centre for naturopathy treatment. It acts as a stress buster and further reduces the chances of various diseases that occur due to stress. Naturopathy treatment involves different treatments and therapies like Udhvartan, Shirodhara, Panchakarma therapy, yoga and meditation practice, etc. that can help with mental and physical rejuvenation. 

Be part of a corporate wellness programme

Join a corporate wellness programme. It takes care of your physical and mental well-being by reducing your stress and increasing your productivity at workplace. It also helps improve job satisfaction and develops a positive attitude.

One of India’s best naturopathy centres, Nimba Nature Cure, provides you with ample opportunities to help you reduce your stress. Eliminate your stress away with Nimba’s wellness package. Take a short vacation and visit Nimba for a few days to experience utmost pleasure and relief in the lap of nature. Our expert healers and excellent staff are known for delivering an uncompromising quality of various naturopathy treatments and therapies like ayurveda, naturopathy, yoga and meditation, and physiotherapy. We also take care of your diet and nutrition. Along with that, we also offer a customised corporate wellness program, specially curated for employees to help them deal with work related stress.


You cannot avoid stress, it is a part of life. However, you can include various naturopathy treatments and therapies offered by Nimba Nature Cure to reduce the amount of stress in your body and mind.

Corporate Wellness – A Necessity, Not A Strategy

corporate wellness

Corporate Wellness – A Necessity, Not A Strategy

By: - July 24, 2019

Of all the seminars, excursions, team-building events and motivational talks the one thing that you might have missed out to improve workplace productivity could be the difference between a stagnant organization and staggering growth. Yes, it’s workplace wellness also known as corporate wellness. A concept that has turned around the life of innumerous employees and propelled the productivity of their companies.

What Does It Mean When We Say Corporate Wellness?

The bane of modern life and modern workplace is a sedentary lifestyle and subsequent mental and physical disorders that not only affects the health of the employee in the long run, it also has a significant impact on the company’s bottom line. And the new age millennial employees are more aware about their mental and physical health. Moreover, they can jump a job more easily. 

So holding the right talent makes it necessary for the employer to give heed to employees’ health through wellness practices within the company or taking them to a wellness retreat. This simple change can benefit both the company and the employee. 

Wellness Retreats Are The New Destinations For Corporate Excursion 

In the past 30 years, there has been a shift in employer mindset as they are becoming more aware about the benefits of employee wellness for the culture of the company. This shift has brought about a change in common problems like absenteeism, low productivity and a gloomy workplace atmosphere. 

Companies can now benefit from a variety of wellness packages offered by holistic wellness retreats and the returns are well-worth the effort. Some benefits are-

  • Improved workplace productivity
  • Positive attitude in employees
  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Better recovery from injuries/ diseases
  • Reduced corporate stress and conflicts
  • Better job satisfaction 
  • Reduced attrition as company loyalty increases

Nimba Nature Cure – The Wellness Retreat For Your Company

Nestled within a lush green cover, secluded from the commotion of the city is a holistic wellness retreat called Nimba where you can heal from within. Experts in Naturopathic and Ayurvedic treatments, Nimba offers corporate wellness packages that will detoxify the body and mind of your employees through a range of natural therapies, yoga, and meditation. The serene and beautiful atmosphere itself does half the work. 

So why not pay a visit to Nimba? The catalyst you’ve been waiting for to turn around the company culture could be a trip to Nimba Nature Cure Village. To book a wellness package mail us at [email protected] or call us at +91 81550 12274.

5 Amazing Corporate Wellness Predictions 2017

Corporate Wellness Predictions

5 Amazing Corporate Wellness Predictions 2017

By: - January 30, 2017

Since the world started to see the first wind of corporate wellness trend, it has been debated in boardrooms across the globe, over millions of times. The way industrial scenario has grown recently, with technology in the driver seat; the same workforce now executes 100 times more work than what they did 30 years back. Obviously, this is possible only at the expense of mental health of employees. It is only recently that Stress and Sedentary lifestyle have become disorders. And corporates are feeling a lack of momentum as employees are overloaded. Earlier it was considered as a picnic vacation, now it’s an integral part of HR policy. Corporate Wellness is set to reveal some exciting new frontiers in 2017.

Check out…

ROI to VOI shift

Earlier the management was seeking a strong or at least noticeable Return on Investment, from employee wellness programs. It is however not an incentive that starts putting profit from next quarter. Now the Value of Investment is much more important than ROI because it creates priceless “intangible assets” for the corporates. The employees are ‘employees with better health, comfort and energy’ with corporate wellness programs because of the value that they create. Corporate Wellness Programs give stronger corporate performance, it’s proven science.

Offline Living

Technology is a boon, and it is a curse too. Now a day, employees talk less and Email each other more. There is a state of soulless interaction without any passion in corporate as well as personal communication. Shift back to face-to-face interactions, living in the abundance of nature and relinquishing excessive connectivity with silent spa are new trend of work-life balance. Rather than staring at screens, employee can see landscapes, which energize them and reduce stress.

It’s Wellness, not only Healing

Whatever it takes to keep your workforce rocking, from earlier presumption of Corporate Wellness as a weight loss/ cardiac/ diabetes care program for a weekend, it has evolved to a complete package involving art, music, literature and dance too. It is important because people spend most of their waking hours at work. This trend comes with flexibility in work hours for a dance rehearsal or gym or a concert over the weekend. Corporate Wellness today features stress relief, nutrition, finance, social relationship, mindfulness, and even spirituality.

No more ‘Top Management Only’

The most crucial requirement of the organization is always, increased productivity. Top management is fine; it’s the executives, the real doers that need Corporate Wellness Programs to prevent occupational illnesses. This core unit of organization with adequate morale and motivation can face any challenges and meet the goals. Encouraging the employees to set goals/ deadlines for Physical and Mental wellness and help them achieve it, increases job satisfaction resulting employees feeling that employer cares about them.

Way to get top talent

There has been an explosion of population and there are floods of young work force. But corporates would try hard to convince the bunch of talented ones to work with them. Not just the yearly packages, other employee welfare activities and programs would make the organization desirable. Because healthy and motivated everyday life is much more than what money can buy. It reduces medical costs, hence more saving of money and time, and more employee retention.

For corporates seeking to push their productivity by utilizing the same resources, opting out the Corporate Wellness Programs will help to boost their employees’ morale. In 2017, technology is going to evolve even further, giving many more new hurdles to overcome, and completely changing the way employees work. Engaging with naturopathy and stress management, back care and tobacco cessation programs through wellness retreats and spa facilities at Nimba Nature Cure Village would be the best choice for corporates in 2017.

Corporate Wellness Programs at Nimba Nature Cure Village can be the one solution for your corporate ambitions and goals of your employees. It is important that before the customers, the employees love a company first.