Reduce your risk of Viral Infections-Choose our immune boosting regimen through Naturopathy Wellness

naturopathy centre

Reduce your risk of Viral Infections-Choose our immune boosting regimen through Naturopathy Wellness

By: - September 21, 2020

The only way to live a long, disease-free healthy life is to take every possible step to enhance the strength of our immune system.  And given how covid-19 virus has created an unchecked pandemic across the world, it’s even more important to build our defenses against such abrupt attack.

Naturopathy believes that our innate immune system is potential enough to fight all such virus attacks.

One may have a lowered immunity because of a faulty lifestyle that has given rise to any of these or all put together –    stress and anxiety, lack of sleep, unhealthy diet, smoking, lack of exercise, dehydration, alcohol consumption etc., and a strong immune system helps the body fight flu, disease-causing viruses, as well as bacteria. People with compromised immunity are more prone to falling ill and their symptoms are more severe as compared to others. Your immunity is your shield against covid-19. The immune-boosting therapies in Nimba like detox, herbal preparations, Nasyam, oil pulling yoga, and few other more together with healthy lifestyle changes will ensure that your immune system is solid enough to fight all illnesses.

To stay fit and make our immune strong, we need to practice a few things diligently: exercise regularly and follow healthy food habits. Naturopathy, which is a traditional Indian system of medicine promotes a healthy lifestyle, bringing a balance between mind and body by regulated diet and yoga. It uses herbal preparations in fresh and natural form, spices, and roots that help boost the immune system naturally. This unique medical system also offers various other health benefits, including improved digestion and feeling of wellbeing.

Come, stay a few days with Nimba Nature Cure, A Naturopathy and holistic healthcare centre which will open up a new lifeline for you in this difficult time.

How Can Ayurveda Help In Boosting Immunity

Ayurveda Help In Boosting Immunity

How Can Ayurveda Help In Boosting Immunity

By: - September 15, 2020

While the world is suffering, our body’s natural defense system, our immunity, is shielding and protecting us. There are some general ways in which we must protect ourselves against this deadly virus. First and foremost, we need to restrict our outings to necessary ones only. Apart from that, here are some ways in which we can improve our Ayurveda Help In Boosting Immunity: 


  1. Consume a well-balanced diet, preferably a Sattvik diet in order to keep the body and mind healthy. 
  2. Cleanse your upper respiratory tract with ingredients like Tulsi, pepper, ginger, and other strengthening herbs and spices 
  3. Do not drink cold water. Consume warm water throughout the day 
  4. Add turmeric to your warm milk to boost your immunity 
  5. Minimize the usage of frozen foods. Consume healthy green vegetables and fruits on a regular basis 
  6. Exercise daily 
  7. Include Yoga and meditation in your routine 
  8. Detox your body and mind naturally by consuming healthy detox drinks and practicing mindful meditation 


Some of the ayurvedic practices to boost immunity are: 

– Apply ghee/ sesame oil in both the nostrils in morning and evening 

– Consume Chyawanprash every morning  


In case of a sore throat or dry cough

– Practice steam inhalation, once a day. Add fresh mint leaves or Ajwain for better results 

– Mix clove powder with honey and consume it 2-3 times a day 


Ayurveda detox is one of the powerful ways to cleanse the body. Every morning one should consume an apple or pear along with the regular breakfast. Moreover, the consumption of green leafy vegetables is known to detoxify the body of a person and thereby enhance the immune system. There are a lot of spices like ginger, fenugreek, fennel, coriander, turmeric, etc., that additionally help in boosting immunity.  


Nimba, one of the biggest naturopathy centers in India, provides Ayurvedic treatments to heal the body and fight against diseases and illnesses. Some of the common therapies are:  


Abhyangam therapy, an ayurvedic oil massage treatment that helps in extracting toxic substances out from the skin and relaxes the body. The herbal oil, selected as per the body type of an individual, restores the balance of the Doshas.


Shirodhara treatment, where a stream of warm herbal oil liquid is poured on the forehead which exerts constant vibration and nourishes the scalp. It is beneficial in reducing stress levels and insomnia. 


Nasyam therapy, herbal oil, or special herbal liquid is instilled in the body through the nose. After administering the liquid, the shoulder, head, and neck areas are massaged gently. It is very helpful in relieving chronic migraines, sinusitis, allergies, and ENT problems. 


Chakra Basti, a container is created in the umbilical region or the knee joints using the dough. Warm medicated oil or herbal liquid is poured into the container to make a reservoir. Basti therapy is greatly helpful in correcting the ‘Vata’ dosha, thereby relieving digestive disorders, stiffness, and pain.

4 Simple Food Recipes To Boost Your Immunity And Prevent Coronavirus

cooking woman

4 Simple Food Recipes To Boost Your Immunity And Prevent Coronavirus

By: - June 8, 2020

As Coronavirus continues to spread, it is important to have a strong immune system with food Recipes, here are a few quick and natural immunity-boosting recipes to improve your health and immunity.

Turmeric ginger balls:

As we all know that turmeric is an excellent anti-viral ingredient. Here is a recipe, which is not quick but an exceptional immunity booster as well as food Recipes.


  1. Clarified Butter (Ghee) – 3 tsp
  2. Jaggery (Gud) – ¼ cup
  3. Turmeric powder (Haldi) – ½ tbsp
  4. Dried Ginger powder (South) – ½ tbsp
  5. Cinnamon powder (Dalchini) – ½ tsp


  1. Heat the ghee in a pan for a while until it is properly melted
  2. Add the jaggery to the pan and mix it well
  3. Continue heating it on a low flame till it forms a golden syrup
  4. Add turmeric powder, dried ginger powder and cinnamon powder in a bowl, and mix it well.
  5. Now add that syrup to the mixture to make a gooey blend.
  6. Take some water in your palms then take a little amount of mixture and shape it into round balls.
  7. Rest those balls for half an hour, and then they are ready to be served

Vitamin C smoothie:

Vitamin C is one of the most essential vitamins which our body cannot produce naturally. Vitamin C is necessary for the growth, development, and repair of all body tissues. It also boosts the process of production of white blood cells which fight the viruses and bacteria in our body.


  1. Peeled Oranges – 2 pieces 
  2. Peeled Carrots – 2 pieces
  3. Strawberries – 3 pieces
  4. Pineapple – ½ piece
  5. Lemon juice – 2 tsps
  6. Water – ½ cup
  7. Sugar – as per requirement


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and blend until it forms into a thick paste
  2. Add water to make the paste smoother
  3. Add sugar as per your requirements 
  4. Serve it!

Immunity `Kadha:

Kadha is one of the most authentic ayurvedic recipes which is proven to be beneficial against common cold and fever as it boosts your immunity. So here is the recipe for this effective immunity booster with food Recipes.


  1. Water – 2 cup
  2. Fresh Mint (Pudina) – 10 to 12 leaves
  3. Fresh Basil (Tulsi) –  8 – 10 leaves
  4. Cinnamon (Daalchene) – 2 pieces
  5. Clove (Laung) – 2 – 3 pieces
  6. Crushed Pepper – ½ tsp
  7. Lemon Juice – 2 tsps
  8. Salt – As per requirement


  1. Take a sauce pan and add basil, mint, cinnamon, clove, and crushed pepper with water in it.
  2. Keep the vessel on medium flame and bring that water to a boiling stage.
  3. Then keep it aside for a few minutes.
  4. Add lemon juice and salt in a cup and pour that kadha into the cup and stir well
  5. Your kadha will be ready in no time!

Lemon Green Tea:

Green tea has many benefits, it is not only a natural immunity booster but it also flushes out the toxins in your body. So to make this green tea we’ll require

  1. Grated Ginger – 1½ tsp
  2. Peppercorn or crushed pepper – ½ tsp
  3. Cinnamon Stick – 1 inch
  4. Green tea – 1 tsp
  5. Lemon juice – 1 tsp
  6. Honey – as per requirements


  1. Take a cup of water in a sauce pan and add grated ginger, peppercorn/ crushed pepper, and cinnamon stick in it.
  2. Bring the water to the boiling stage and then add green tea into it and let it boil for a while.
  3. Add a tsp of lemon juice into a cup and honey, then add the green tea into the cup and stir well and it will be ready to serve!

Complementary Practices for a Strong Immune System

  1. Regular Exercise: Engage in moderate physical activity such as walking, jogging, or yoga to enhance overall health and immune function.
  2. Adequate Sleep: Ensure you get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support immune health and overall well-being.
  3. Stress Management: Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or mindfulness to manage stress, which can impact immune function.
  4. Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and support all its functions.


Incorporating these recipes into your daily routine can help boost your immunity naturally. Staying healthy and building a robust immune system is crucial, especially in these times.

Looking for more wellness tips and recipes? Visit  Nimba Nature Cure  to explore a holistic approach to health and well-being. Boost your immunity and stay healthy with Nimba!

Do try these recipes at home and do let us know your experience in the comments below.

Natural ways to boost your immunity and to fight coronavirus

boost your immunty

Natural ways to boost your immunity and to fight coronavirus

By: - April 7, 2020

To break the chain of the pandemic novel coronavirus, you are supposed to stay at home and take precautions to boost your immunitys. Staying at home means that you will be having plenty of time to implement new habits in your lifestyle to contribute towards your wellness. The time span of 21 days can be considered ideal to make positive changes in your lifestyle. The healthier habits can lead to a stronger immune system and can make you less vulnerable towards diseases. These habits include positive changes in both of your dietary and lifestyle changes. You will have to adapt to natural ways in implementing healthy habits to strengthen your immune system. Here’s what you can do:

Develop the habit of hygiene

This becomes the most important aspect towards strengthening your immune system. You should develop hygienic habits for your body and for your surroundings as well. Wash your hands at regular intervals with soap and clean water. This reduces the chance of any harmful elements entering your body.

Keep the stress levels low

Reduced stress levels lead to healthier immune systems. There are certain natural ways you can implement to keep your stress at bay.

  • Get enough sleep as it helps in reducing stress, leading you to function properly and furthermore boosting your immunity naturally.
  • Add your home with plenty of plants as they help increase the oxygen in and around your home and that can help you be calm and serene.
  • Meditation is a must thing to reduce stress. It helps sooth your mind and attain peacefulness. Listen to the mellow and calming music while meditating.

Exercise regularly

Exercising and engaging in physical activities keeps your body flowing. This further helps in boosting your immune system.

  • Exercising daily, even running, stretching and skipping can help you break the lethargy and keep your body moving.
  • Practising Yoga everyday helps in enhancing your blood circulation which also leads to a stronger immune system.
  • A balanced and a scheduled routine that includes a healthy sleep cycle, exercising, Yoga, meditation and a proper diet can help you boost your immunitys naturally.

Improve dietary habits

A healthy dietary plan can be implemented to strengthen your immune system. It is advisable to include more plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables and nuts in the diet. Although, the following food options can be considered healthy and helpful in preventing illnesses but you cannot mistake them as the cure for coronavirus. Such foods only help in making you less vulnerable towards the illnesses.

  • Green leafy vegetables are essential to boost your immunitys. Spinach, broccoli, ginger, garlic, etc. can be included in your regular diet as they lower your blood pressure and provide you essential antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients.
  • Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons can be consumed as they are rich in Vitamin C, that helps tackle illness such as cold and cough.
  • Always stay hydrated and reduce added sugar in your diet.

Nimba Nature Cure urges you to maintain social distance and not to consider the above as the cure for COVID-19. The above mentioned factors only help in boosting your immunity and keep you away from the illnesses, to maintain a healthier body. Nimba promotes natural remedies and naturopathy for an overall healthy body.