Natural ways to boost your immunity and to fight coronavirus

boost your immunty

Natural ways to boost your immunity and to fight coronavirus

By: - April 7, 2020

To break the chain of the pandemic novel coronavirus, you are supposed to stay at home and take precautions to boost your immunitys. Staying at home means that you will be having plenty of time to implement new habits in your lifestyle to contribute towards your wellness. The time span of 21 days can be considered ideal to make positive changes in your lifestyle. The healthier habits can lead to a stronger immune system and can make you less vulnerable towards diseases. These habits include positive changes in both of your dietary and lifestyle changes. You will have to adapt to natural ways in implementing healthy habits to strengthen your immune system. Here’s what you can do:

Develop the habit of hygiene

This becomes the most important aspect towards strengthening your immune system. You should develop hygienic habits for your body and for your surroundings as well. Wash your hands at regular intervals with soap and clean water. This reduces the chance of any harmful elements entering your body.

Keep the stress levels low

Reduced stress levels lead to healthier immune systems. There are certain natural ways you can implement to keep your stress at bay.

  • Get enough sleep as it helps in reducing stress, leading you to function properly and furthermore boosting your immunity naturally.
  • Add your home with plenty of plants as they help increase the oxygen in and around your home and that can help you be calm and serene.
  • Meditation is a must thing to reduce stress. It helps sooth your mind and attain peacefulness. Listen to the mellow and calming music while meditating.

Exercise regularly

Exercising and engaging in physical activities keeps your body flowing. This further helps in boosting your immune system.

  • Exercising daily, even running, stretching and skipping can help you break the lethargy and keep your body moving.
  • Practising Yoga everyday helps in enhancing your blood circulation which also leads to a stronger immune system.
  • A balanced and a scheduled routine that includes a healthy sleep cycle, exercising, Yoga, meditation and a proper diet can help you boost your immunitys naturally.

Improve dietary habits

A healthy dietary plan can be implemented to strengthen your immune system. It is advisable to include more plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables and nuts in the diet. Although, the following food options can be considered healthy and helpful in preventing illnesses but you cannot mistake them as the cure for coronavirus. Such foods only help in making you less vulnerable towards the illnesses.

  • Green leafy vegetables are essential to boost your immunitys. Spinach, broccoli, ginger, garlic, etc. can be included in your regular diet as they lower your blood pressure and provide you essential antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients.
  • Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons can be consumed as they are rich in Vitamin C, that helps tackle illness such as cold and cough.
  • Always stay hydrated and reduce added sugar in your diet.

Nimba Nature Cure urges you to maintain social distance and not to consider the above as the cure for COVID-19. The above mentioned factors only help in boosting your immunity and keep you away from the illnesses, to maintain a healthier body. Nimba promotes natural remedies and naturopathy for an overall healthy body.

How To Protect Yourself From The Deadly Coronavirus?


How To Protect Yourself From The Deadly Coronavirus?

By: - February 26, 2020

How is it that suddenly a disease becomes so lethal? Its atrocities have killed thousands of people already and continues to do so.

As you all know, Coronavirus began in China. Its outbreak has spread and is now causing deaths in other parts of the world as well. While India takes different route and find natural remedies for coronavirus. There are different kinds of Coronavirus, some cause illness to humans and others can infect mice, rats, turkeys, horses, pigs, dogs, cats, and cattle. According to Medical News Today, the two kinds of Coronavirus that can be most malignant for humans are SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERC (Middle East respiratory syndrome).


Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Sneeze
  • Respiratory symptoms

Severe symptoms include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Pneumonia
  • Kidney failure

There is a lot of similarity in the symptoms of regular cold or flu and Coronavirus. The only way to really tell the difference is by visiting a doctor or getting tested for the virus especially if you visited any of the affected areas or airports.


To prevent yourself from Coronavirus, follow these simple steps:
Wash your hands regularly, especially after coming from a public area and before eating your food.

Do not touch yours or others face before washing your hands.

Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing and maintain 1-2 meters of difference from people suffering from any of the symptoms of respiratory illness.

Make sure you thoroughly cook your eggs and meat to kill the bacterias and viruses in them.

What to do if you are suffering from Coronavirus?

Well, don’t let us mislead you, there is no cure for it, that being said, the only treatment is taking good care of yourself and going for over-the-counter medication.

You should give rest to your body and completely avoid exertion.
Since it affects your respiratory system, smoking can be really dangerous, so avoid smoking and visiting polluted areas.

Drink sufficient amounts of water to keep your body hydrated, it also helps in flushing off the toxins.

Respiratory diseases cause the throat to dry up and lead to parched skin and lips. Moist air helps to deal with such symptoms, you can also use a humidifier to add moisture to the dry air.

Having a strong immune system is essential to fight such viruses and bacterias. And you should know that the immunity of your body completely depends on how you choose to live and what you choose to eat. Living an active lifestyle and having a wholesome diet with a variety of ingredients to keep the balance and provide all kinds of nutrients is extremely important.

Nature has great ways of promoting good health, this innate ability is not hidden, it enhances the functioning of the body in various ways.

Naturopathy is the natural way of healing your body, it has a cure for numerous diseases and prevention for almost all since it is the best natural way to increase the immunity of your body. It includes satvik diet, massages using therapeutic oils, ayurveda and all these good things are offered by Nimba Nature Cure. They offer customised treatment, its expanse of greenery adds picturesque beauty and fills your mind and soul with health and harmony.